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11 Ways To Keep Your Hair Looking Young And Healthy

To keep your hair looking young, avoid over-shampooing. Condition every time you wash your hair. When you rinse out conditioner, use cold water to seal the pores. Protect your scalp from the sun as well. Avoid tight hairstyles to prevent hair loss. If your hair is thinning try a biotin supplement to get things growing again. These practices keep your hair looking shiny, luscious, and soft.
9 Simple Strategies To Prevent Psoriasis Flare-Ups

9 Simple Strategies To Prevent Psoriasis Flare-Ups

Psoriasis is a skin condition that occurs in many people. Dermatologists generally prescribe medications to treat this skin condition. But, some simple yet effective changes to your lifestyle can not only help treat psoriasis but also play a crucial role in preventing the disease. By following a healthy diet, by using skin-friendly cosmetics and skin care products, and by adopting healthy practices, you can prevent and treat psoriasis.
Easy DIY Face Masks For Every Skin Type

5 Easy DIY Face Masks For Every Skin Type

If you have dry skin, whip up a face mask of Greek yogurt and honey. It helps to rejuvenate the skin. For oily and acne-prone skin, a mix of apple cider vinegar, oatmeal, strawberries and egg whites can bring down oil production. A pumpkin face mask works amazing on aging skin. To even out your skin tone, you need to apply a mix of papaya and honey.

3 Ways To Add Sea Salt To Your Natural Beauty Regime

Sea salt can cure dry skin by helping your skin replenish its natural moisture. The high content of minerals in sea salt not only cures inflammation-associated skin infections, but also fights free radicals that cause wrinkles. The abrasive nature of sea salt helps exfoliate your skin while the drawing property helps clean your pores of all the gunk that could have otherwise led to acne and other infections.
A 4-Ingredient Anti-Aging Face Mask That Your Skin Will Love

4-Ingredient Anti-Aging Face Mask That Your Skin Will Love

Not only does honey help lock moisture in your skin, it also contains antioxidants that fight skin cancer. Lemon juice provides you skin with vitamin C that restores damaged tissue with scar tissue, cinnamon serves to trigger the production of collagen which is essential for wrinkle-free skin, and nutmeg's anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties fight acne. Together, these ingredients help protect your skin against the harmful signs of aging.

5 Tips To Improve Your Beauty Routine Using Feng Shui

Feng shui is believed to bring peace, harmony, and love into your life. Often used to determine the placement of objects around the house, it can also be used as part of a beauty routine to bring love into your life. Some of the components used include rose water, symmetrical makeup, mirrors and moonlight, flowers like peonies, and rose quartz crystals. Follow these tips with a positive frame of mind, without having to spend much.

7 Ways To Flavor Your Coffee Without Cream And Sugar

Coffee has many health benefits, but not if you add cream and sugar. A healthier option is pure vanilla extract, a classic flavor. Love mocha? Add a teaspoon of antioxidant-rich cocoa powder. For a fat-burning boost, spice things up with a dash of cayenne. Cardamom, cinnamon, and ginger offer anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative benefits. Maple syrup is a great alternative to refined white sugar. Don’t hesitate to mix and match ingredients for even more flavors.

5 Beauty Hacks That French Women Swear By To Look Flawless

French women have been touted as the epitome of flawless beauty and elegance. Women around the world would love to be privy to their...

9 Useful Hacks To Get Rid Of Different Types Of Stains

Removing stains from clothes becomes easy when you know the right agents to remove the specific stains. Wine, blood, paint, lipstick, grease or sweat stains can be removed using the things available at home, instead of spending money on dry cleaning. You can use vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, powder, lemon juice, and even dish soap to get rid of stains completely when they are fresh.
disadvantages of air conditioner

8 Side Effects Of Air Conditioning You Should Watch Out For

If you need the air conditioner set to "just right" all day long, know that there are damaging effects to reckon with. These can range from annoying to potentially risky. Look out for headaches, lethargy, dehydration, and allergies. Air-conditioned spaces may also cause upper respiratory problems or even spread infections like Legionnaires’ disease.

Ways To Use Honey To Heal Chapped Lips

Lips get dry, chapped, and cracked easily. Heal them with the antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and moisturizing properties of honey. Apply raw honey to your lips regularly for supple lips. Add honey to shea butter and sugar to get rid of dead skin and moisturize your lips. Mix it with lemon juice to lighten dark lips. Combine it with lemon balm essential oil, coconut oil, shea butter, and beeswax for an infection-fighting and moisturizing lip balm.
French Lifestyle Plays An Important Role In Maintaining Their Health And Wellness

Five Wellness Tips Learned From French Lifestyle And Living

Different cultures around the world have unique and varying habits that set them apart from the other cultures. The French are no different. There...

5 Ways To Take Care Of Your Skin After Workouts

Sweating may be good for skin provided you take care of it. Use natural cleansers – a cup of virgin olive oil and 2 teaspoons jojoba oil – to remove dirt from your skin. Rubbing ice cubes can reduce inflammation. You can prevent acne breakouts with topical application of tea tree oil. Drinking lots of water and applying natural moisturizers can improve your skin, too.

Feeling Anxious? Try These 2-Minute Remedies!

With the right approach, coping with anxiety can just take two minutes. Try deep belly breathing, an exercise that promotes calmness. You can also do pursed lips breathing for added benefits. The quieting response uses visualization, making it perfect for a messy mind. Combine breathing and meditation to do focused breathing, or place your attention on an item for object-focused meditation. Counting while meditating is another way to recharge and refocus.

5 Ways To Banish Mold From Your Home

A mold infestation at home isn’t just unsightly, it can even be a health hazard. Let’s take a look a few different approaches to...