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Can Mushrooms Help Drive Depression Away?

Magic mushrooms (with psychoactive properties) have been used since ages as revitalizers, cure for cancer and impotency, and healing agents. They contain an effective compound - psilocybin that can help treat OCD, depression, and cancer. But their widespread abuse as a hallucinogenic agent means sale of these mushrooms is illegal in the US. Consume mushrooms only under medical expert advice.

Brain Disorders: Risks And Strategies To Improve Brain Function

A series of environmental and lifestyle factors and psychological/emotional traumatic conditions can have a significant impact on your brain health. Research has shown that environmental...

Go High On Ginger: A Herbal Superfood And Energy Booster

Rich in sesquiterpenes, this antiviral superfood protects against rhinovirus, helps better food absorption by aiding predigestion, reduces high BP and fasting sugar levels and lowers cholesterol. It also prevents and treats morning sickness in pregnant women. An anti-inflammatory food, it allays osteoarthritic and menstrual pain and inhibits production of enzymes that cause dementia. Eat 1 gm ginger daily.

How Not To Bring Workplace Stress Home [Infographic]

How Not To Bring Workplace Stress Home

Is Cannabidiol The Panacea For All Your Ailments?

CBD (cannabidiol), the legal nonpsychoactive component in cannabis, sits on CB2 receptors of immune cells causing an anti-inflammatory effect. It has shown promise in the treatment of seizures, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, insomnia, cancers, anxiety disorders, and joint pain. Consume 25 mg of CBD orally twice daily as a pill, tincture, or mouth spray. There are no proven side effects.

3 Tips To Break The Vicious Cycle Of Emotional Overeating

Substitute unhealthy binge foods for healthier ones. For eg. swap milk chocolates with dark chocolates. Go easy on the fries and sweets. We often mistake thirst for hunger. Train your gut to follow a fixed routine, so you feel hungry at specific times and understand when you are full. Trace your eating patterns to unearth triggers that push you to overeat. Solve the root emotional problem first.

Signs, Causes, And Ways To Combat Fatigue

Do you feel drained and exhausted, often, even after a good rest? Don't brush it off, it could be a sign of fatigue. A feeling...

Ashwagandha For Insomnia: An Ideal Herb For Better Sleep

Insomnia is an outcome of disruption in the body's ability to regulate sleep-wake cycles, typically caused by chronic stress and deterioration in immunity, metabolism and hormonal balance. Ashwagandha does not act as a sedative - instead, it reduces stress, improves vitality and makes the body more robust and active, thereby helping restore the body's natural mechanisms to regulate sleep. 2 tsp (200–400 mg) of Ashwagandha extract a day is safe and effective to treat insomnia.

Tips To Identify And Overcome Chronic Depression

Persistent low mood for an unduly long time, without any strong triggers, can signify chronic depression. Left untreated, it can manifest into major depression. Psychotherapy works for most but some need support of anti- depressants. Keep away from alcohol and drugs. Instead, get into a daily routine with nutrient-rich diet, ample rest, and exercise. Always think positive - this will boost your self-esteem.

4 Top Quick-Fix Stress Busting Techniques

Majority of our stress is counterproductive and uncomplementary. On the other hand, complementary stress pushes us to surpass our limits and do better. Daily meditation and deep breathing exercises can help reduce stress, boost immunity, steady blood pressure levels, and improve focus. Go out - fresh air can work magic on your stress lines. Exercise to release your happy hormones.

What Are The Symptoms Of Diabetic Neuropathy?

Sustained high levels of blood sugar can damage blood vessels nourishing the nerves. The 4 types of diabetic neuropathies – peripheral, autonomic, proximal, and focal – affect specific body systems and have their individual causes and symptoms. Tingling in the feet, slow reflexes, low libido, paralysis on one side of the face, impaired vision, and dizziness are some symptoms of diabetic neuropathy.

10 Signs You Are Stressed Out And 5 De-Stressing Tips

When stressed, you may have stomach troubles or feel the need to stress binge. Restful sleep is an elusive dream because you're always upset. You may fail to recall even simple things, or find it tough to concentrate for long periods. Headaches may become intolerable and tiredness may reach new heights. Eat healthy, exercise, vent out your frustrations, talk to a friend, or simply just do less.

Ashwagandha For Alzheimer’s And Parkinson’s Disease

With its steroids, ashwagandha fights free radicals and increases the activity of the natural antioxidants in the body, thus lowering inflammation, a common factor in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. It helps clear out the proteins that form plaques in an Alzheimer's brain. It improves the symptoms of Parkinson's related to muscle control, movement, and balance by raising dopamine levels. The herb has the rare ability to repair damaged neurons and reconstruct neuronal networks and synapses, which helps improve memory and cognition. No wonder Ayurveda uses it as a rejuvenator.
Symptoms Of Bipolar Disorder

What Are The Symptoms Of Bipolar Disorder?

Hyper-energetic manic episodes involve sudden irritability, overwhelming bouts of happiness, inflated self-esteem, and reckless conduct. Low-energy depressive episodes involve sudden bouts of sadness, lack of focus, loss of memory, insomnia, and suicidal thoughts. By correctly identifying symptoms and seeking prompt expert help, people with this duality can better control their lives.

Is Depression A Fallout Of Inflammation?

Dip in brain chemicals - serotonin and norepinephrine, and inflammatory diseases (autoimmune disorders, cancer) have been linked to depression. Studies show that stimuli of systemic inflammation - lack of sleep, addictions, psychosocial stress, poor diet, and vit D deficiency, can trigger depression. Exercise, meditate, and consume anti-inflammatory foods like garlic, ginger, and turmeric.