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Tag: Brain Health

What Is The Impact Of Pesticides On Our Brain?

Pesticides impair the nervous system and can cause headaches, dizziness, and even visual impairment. Chemicals in our food can cause hormonal disruptions, birth defects, cancers, cognitive dysfunction, liver damage, chronic fatigue, depression, and forgetfulness. Children are more affected than adults. Inhalation of sprayed pesticides or intake of contaminated food is highly injurious.

Excellent Benefits Of Ashwagandha For Thyroid Problems

Ashwagandha has been found to selectively increase the production of T4 hormone and simultaneously reduce cell damage caused by free radicals. While this is especially beneficial for hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid), it might have a regulating effect on hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid) as well. Combining ashwagandha with extracts of other plants such as guggulu is considered most effective.

4 Benefits Of Omega-3 Critical For Overall Health

Omega-3 acids keep your heart healthy by preventing buildup of arterial plaque and irregular heartbeats, lowering blood pressure, and reducing triglycerides. It also reduces inflammation that can cause arthritis, sciatica, and joint pain. DHA, a Omega 3 acid, helps reestablish neural networks in the brain. A diet of Omega 3-rich oily fish, walnuts, and flaxseeds reduces risk of colon cancer.

5 Tips To Get Your Brain Cells Buzzing Again

To have the brain working at its best, stick to a diet of fish, fruits, nuts, and high-fiber legumes. They stabilize blood sugar and prevent brain decline. Eat blueberries to enhance the brain's neuroplasticity. Include turmeric in your diet, for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant curcumin, helps keep dementia away. Indulge in aerobics and meditate to improve your mood and reduce inflammation.

Stimulate Neuroplasticity Of The Brain To Rewire Lost Connections

Structural and functional plasticity of the brain refers to its ability to retain new info and reassign lost function to its different regions. These neuron repair and regeneration properties can be exploited to cure diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Solving crossword and Sudoku puzzles initiate new neural connections. Meditation, rehabilitation and physical therapy can stimulate inactive neurons.

5 Root Causes Of Anxiety And Natural Ways To Manage It

If you suffer from severe anxiety about imagined future events, it might be genetic. Abnormalities in brain structure, alterations in neurotransmitters, and presence of other mental disorders may be the other causes. People with negative life experiences and women are at a higher risk risk of anxiety pangs. Mitigate your daily anxiety through meditation, yoga, a positive outlook, and aromatherapy massages.

Is Dietary Lithium Supplement The Magical Cure For Mental Conditions?

Lithium balances neurotransmitters - dopamine and serotonin. In safe small doses, lithium orotate prevents depression, PTSD, Alzheimer’s and can stop ALS progression. It improves your mood, lowers stress, and enhances focus. A dietary pill typically contains 5 mg lithium and 115 mg orotate. Ask a doctor before popping it. Pregnant or nursing women should avoid these pills.

What Are The Key Causes Of Chronic Tiredness?

Chronic fatigue syndrome (lasting min 6 months), interrupted sleep caused by sleep apnea (shallow breathing), restless legs syndrome (painful jerking of legs), depression or anxiety; or health conditions like anemia, diabetes, hypothyroidism, and celiac disease can cause you to feel inexplicably dog tired. Yoga, cognitive behavioral therapy, and acupressure massages trigger energy regeneration.

9 Surprising Ways Food And Mood Are Related

Yes, your food can shift your mood. While fast food increases your risk for depression, a Mediterranean diet of fruit, veggies, legumes, fish, and olive oil decreases it. Not just bad mood but also good mood, neuroticism, and boredom cause overeating. Snack on fruits, not on chocolates. Sleep early, wake up early, shun pessimism, and chew slowly to eat less while enjoying your food.

How The Choice Of Mattress Determines Quality Of Sleep

We all know the importance of sleep on the quality of our health. But most people do not invest time and money in choosing the right sleep accessories. A good quality mattress not only enables the spine to maintain its natural shape but also prevents allergies from low quality materials. Sleep right to help your body recharge and prevent sleep-deprivation symptoms like stress and obesity.

6 Tips To Support Someone Suffering From Mental Illness

Be mindful of those affected by mental illnesses. Eagerly offer help, it will instil their confidence in you. Listen to them, don't judge or offer untimely advice. Help them seek professional help, it will show them there's nothing to be ashamed of. Treat them the same as before, including them in plans. Show your support right through their recovery. Spread awareness about mental illnesses.

22 Time Management Tips To Keep Stress Away

Follow these simple life hacks to make your time count. Don't confuse activity with productivity. Organize your work and work space, as lesser the clutter, better is your focus. Get your priorities right, it helps complete things on time. Drink water and eat food on time to keep you going. Learn to say no, as over commitment is a recipe for overwork and stress. Stay calm and be more productive.

What Are The Health Benefits Of Music?

Music not only to the ears but to the brain as well? Music activates multiple regions of the brain responsible for memory, emotion, and even auditory, motor, and visual skills. A few good numbers can work wonders to relieve chronic pain (in cancer patients too), restore movement in stroke patients, calm autistic children, uplift the depressed, and stabilize blood pressure in coronary patients.

What Are The Symptoms Of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder?

Is a child simply “acting up” or does he or she have ADHD? Symptoms are easier to detect in children than adults and include constant daydreaming, inability to mix with other kids, tendency to talk a lot, impulsive behavior, absent-mindedness, fidgetiness, etc. Adults may display milder symptoms that need careful attention to pin down. Medication and behavior therapy can help control ADHD.

What Kind Of Health Risks Do Snails Pose?

Parasitic worms excreted by snails in water cause schistosomiasis, which leads to bladder bleeding, liver damage, kidney failure, and cancer. Rat lungworms, carried by snails, are transmitted through uncooked snail meat and cause headaches, numbness, and spasms. Avoid raw snail meat and meat from unreliable sources.