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Foods That Can Change the Pallor of Your Poo

5 Foods That Change The Color Of Your Poop

Artificial dyes in foods may pass out in stools, imparting a color. Natural pigments like lycopene in tomatoes and chlorophyll in spinach can color stools as well. Foods with dark hues like licorice can result in black stools. Meat, poultry, fish, and seafood are iron-rich and can also cause black stools. Green, red, and black stools may be caused due to diarrhea or internal bleeding.

7 Weight Loss Quick Fixes That Are Not Worth Your Time

Liquid diets, detoxes, supplements and crash diets do more harm than good. In most cases, there is not enough research to back their effectiveness. They are impractical to keep up in the long run. They lead to more weight gain and can have harmful effects on the body if done without medical supervision. The healthiest way to lose weight won't give you immediate results but it keeps your body truly fit and healthy.
Juniper berries are a form of spice that can give you multiple health benefits

10 Amazing Benefits Of Juniper Berries For Your Health

The benefits of juniper berries on your health is many. This bitter, astringent spice can be used in the form of tea, tincture, essential oil, and other products. Consuming them frequently can prevent digestive issues in your body, energize you, clear your skin, reduce muscle cramps, and treat rheumatism and arthritis. What more? They even work as an antioxidant, antiseptic, antibacterial, and diuretic, detoxifying your body and making it stronger.

8 Apple Cider Vinegar Detox Drinks You Shouldn’t Miss Out On

You may have heard about natural detox drinks that can cleanse your body. If you are not sure of your choice, here we bring...
Commonly used kitchen ingredients can easily replace your beauty products for a clear skin

15 Kitchen Ingredients That Can Be Your Beauty Secret

Most of our kitchen stuff are ingredients we've used since we can remember. Most such products can cleanse your skin and double as beauty essentials. These include tomatoes, yogurt, coconut oil, essential oils, sesame oil, arrowroot powder, shea butter, ghee, turmeric, honey, strawberries, apples, and even chocolate. Know just how these can make your skin healthier the natural way.
7 Ways To Prevent Urinary Tract Infection Naturally

7 Ways To Prevent Urinary Tract Infection Naturally

Urinary tract infection affects one in two women and is not very prominent in men. The infection is painful and annoying. Prevention is the best bet. It can be done by keeping the bacteria away from the urethra and bladder by hydrating sufficiently, urinating often, wiping from front to back, including probiotics in diet, and having cranberry juice.

20 Healthiest Fruits For A Fitter You

Fruits provide us with a wide range of minerals, vitamins, fats, and phytonutrients. From healthier body tissues to preventing neurodegenerative diseases, when consumed on daily basis, each fruit boosts our health in its own way. Including fruits in our daily diet is the best bet.

5 Rapid Weight Loss Techniques That Aren’t Good

Many of us are desperate to lose weight in a short period of time. We want to see big results in no time at...

10 Nutritious Edible Wild Plants

Exploring eatable herbs in the wild can be a fascinating activity. It is practically not possible to discover an area on earth that is...
raspberry leaf tea during pregnancy

6 Research-Backed Benefits Of Raspberry Leaf Tea During Pregnancy

Organic red raspberry leaf tea is a herbal remedy often recommended in the last stages of pregnancy by nurse-midwives in the United States. The nutrients in it could help improve uterine muscle tone and prepare your body for labor, easing the birth of your baby. You may also experience a reduced need for interventions like a vacuum-assisted or forceps delivery, and the artificial rupture of membranes. But you should still be cautious and consult your doctor or midwife before you start using raspberry tea leaf.

6 Natural Treatments To Fight Scurvy Effectively

Vitamin-C is vital for collagen production in the body, which is required for tissue growth and development. A deficiency of the same causes scurvy where your joints become weak and inflamed and gums become spongy. Apart from consuming vitamin-C rich foods, trying home remedies using lime, lemon, Indian gooseberries, white lilac flowers, and raw mango powder help.
Brain-foods boost brain development

6 Superfoods To Boost Your Baby’s Brainpower

Certain foods are just awesome for the brain. And when it comes to a baby’s brain, these foods can do wonders. The brain develops...

10 Health Benefits Of Bilberry

Bilberries, a relative of blueberry and not the same, are tiny, nutritious berries that can make you healthy. Their benefits range from improving eyesight and blood circulation to treating cancer and Alzheimer's. They are also believed to improve the quality of hair and skin; hence, they're frequently used in cosmetic products. They're healthy, taste good, and easily available as extracts or jams.

9 Foods That Naturally Increase Your Skin’s Defense Against The Sun

Summers are when you spend a lot of time outdoors, but being outdoors leaves your skin vulnerable to sunburns, inflammations, and in the long run, skin aging. Apart from using a sunscreen that offers UV protection, you can also boost your skin's natural defense against the sun by including certain foods that are high in antioxidants in your diet.

Benefits Of Brahmi Amla Oil For Healthy Hair

Hair fall and other hair related problems commonly affect many people around the world. Often, natural and inexpensive alternatives such as brahmi-amla hair oil are more effective in treating these problems. Alopecia, premature graying, dandruff and many other problems can be cured and prevented by using brahmi-amla hair oil. Some major hair conditions that can be treated with brahmi-amla hair oil are mentioned here.