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Tag: Bedroom

Is Eating Before Bed A Good Habit Or A Bad One

Is Eating Before Bed A Good Habit Or A Bad One?

How good or bad the habit of eating before bed is depends on the individual and what they've eaten. In some people, bedtime snacks may promote weight gain, aggravate acid reflux symptoms, and create unhealthy eating habits. In others, it may prevent midnight cravings, provide better sleep, and stabilize blood sugar levels.
10 Things Successful People Do Right Before Bed

10 Things Successful People Do Right Before Bed

Here are ten things that successful people follow before their bedtime: reading books, disconnecting from work, no turning to social media or games on the cell phones/laptops, spending time with family, planning the things to do for the next day, writing down accomplishments, meditating, getting enough sleep, following a bedtime routine, and avoiding alcohol.

Best Stretches Before Bedtime

How relaxing a good stretch can be! Ever seen how any animals, from the African lions to the common house cat, all stretch before...

7 Benefits Of Exercising Before Bed

Working out before bed will relieve stress after a long day. This will clear your mind, so you’ll wake up feeling refreshed. If you have physical tension, do yoga exercises before bed. Your quality of sleep will also improve. Plus, working out in the evening means you won’t have to rush to work. The brief energy boost will also replace unhealthy habits with motivation. For best results, experts recommend exercising three hours before bedtime.

5 Benefits Of Reading Before Bed

Reading before bed is a great way to relieve stress. It’ll reduce cortisol levels, protecting you from weight gain, menstrual problems, and other chronic diseases. If reading before sleep becomes a ritual, you’ll also be able to sleep better. This can lead to improved cognitive function and a lower risk of dementia. Reading can even boost your social skills without leaving home. For best results, avoid the blue light from e-readers and choose a physical book.

Why Is Your Child’s Bedtime Routine The Most Important Time?

Bedtime is a crucial time for you and your children, who are exhausted after the entire day's activities. This is the time when they are relaxed and would want to share their small or big experiences. To make them emotionally healthy, you can practice 2 bedtime routines and mind, body, and breath-cleanse exercise with them. The first one is 3-part breath, where you place your hands on their bodies and ask them to breathe using different body parts. Another way to cleanse the mind is counting backward from 10 to 1. This will strengthen your connect with your children.

6 Foods To Avoid Before Bed

Munching on snacks late at night while watching your favorite movie is one of the easiest ways to have fun during the weekend. Though...

9 Tips For Getting Out Of Bed For A Morning Workout

If you're a heavy sleeper, set 2 or 3 alarms that's most annoying to wake you up. Encourage yourself with a pre-exercise smoothie which are healthy and delicious too. Go to bed early and match your responsibilities with your exercise days. Don't cover yourself with heavy blanket as that can make you more cozy. Avoid energy drinks. Arrange for breakfast and next day's exercise schedule before going to bed. Enjoy the sunrise and sunset and be healthy.

Causes, Signs, And Treatment Of Bed Bugs

What Are Bed Bugs? Bed bugs are tiny, flat, tiny, oval shaped insects that can hide easily from our view during the day when they...
meditations for anxiety

The Best Meditations To Release Anxiety In A Short Time

Mindfulness meditation (MM), followed by transcendental meditation (TM), can be the best non-invasive ways to combat anxiety. A patient of anxiety obsessively thinks and feels negative and focuses on a tragic past or a possibly turbulent present. MM brings your mind to present sensations, whereas TM relaxes the brain.

Restful Sleep Challenge: 7 Nights To Blissful Slumber

So you’re ready for the restful sleep You know…that blissful sleep you had as a kid. Aaaaah, those were the days! So get ready for...
natural remedies to get rid of bed bugs

11 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs Naturally

Bed bugs are a nightmare. While commercially available repellents can take care of them, they will cause some serious damage to our health, too. It is best to try some natural bed bug repellents like essential oils like tea tree oil, lavender oil or citronella. Other bed bug eliminators include kidney bean leaves, thyme, clove and diatomaceous earth.

7 Steps To Create The Perfect Holistic Home

Designing a holistic home doesn’t have a proper design style, nor does it come with a book of stringent rules. It is, in fact,...

Self-Care: From Stress To Serenity

Treat yourself to a relaxing bath with Epsom salts and soothing essential oil(s) like lavender. Indulge in warm oil massages (use coconut/sesame oil) to relieve muscle tension and calm the nervous system. Try ayurvedic herbs, elixirs like ashwagandha and golden milk (just add in 1/2t each of cinnamon, cardamom, turmeric, ginger to piping hot almond milk!) before bedtime.

5 Common Head Lice Myths

You notice your child is itching his head an abnormal amount. He seems uncomfortable and you suspect it might be head lice. You start...