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12 Weird Things That Can Make You Anxious

12 Weird Things That Can Make You Anxious

You can blame your anxiety issues on these 12 weird factors: coffee, alcohol, medications, low blood sugars, unhealthy eating habits, your body's water intake, messy environments, too much involvement in social media, physical inactivity, exposure to impure air, unsafe neighborhoods, and intense tummy troubles.
10 Things Successful People Do Right Before Bed

10 Things Successful People Do Right Before Bed

Here are ten things that successful people follow before their bedtime: reading books, disconnecting from work, no turning to social media or games on the cell phones/laptops, spending time with family, planning the things to do for the next day, writing down accomplishments, meditating, getting enough sleep, following a bedtime routine, and avoiding alcohol.
effects of drinking alcohol during pregnancy

Alcohol During Pregnancy: A Combination Best Avoided

Pregnant women must avoid alcohol as exposure to it could cause embryo malformations, nutritional deficiencies, growth complications, neurological difficulties, and issues with kidneys, bones, or heart. It also increases your risk of abortion or preterm labor, especially during the first trimester. To avoid slip-ups, don't keep alcohol at home and drink non-alcoholic beverages instead.
Drinking water constantly prevents dehydration

5 Simple Lifestyle Changes To Avoid Dehydration

Cracked lips and dark colored urine are signs alarming enough to indicate your body is in need of water. While drinking water consistently throughout the day is the easiest solution, making other lifestyle changes also helps. Some of them are, avoiding diuretics, dressing up according to the weather, replenishing the lost electrolytes with sports drinks and snacking right.

6 Tips To Lose Weight Like A Pro In Winters

Gaining extra pounds during winters is involuntary due to lack of exercise and improper food intake. Adding the right amount of good fat to the diet, practicing indoor exercises, avoiding alcohol, eating warming and soothing foods, avoiding overeating at parties, and having a disciplined sleep-wake cycle help.
ways alcohol affects your sleep cycle

5 Ways Alcohol Affects Your Sleep Cycle

Alcohol is a sedative, but it can negatively alter neurotransmitters that control your sleep cycle. The two major ones are gamma-aminobutyric acid and glutamate. Drinking also increases adenosine, which unnaturally induces sleep and harms your entire cycle. The stages of sleep become shorter when you drink, with deep sleep and REM taking the greatest hit. They’re important for proper brain function, but if you don’t get enough, your mental health may suffer.
how to help someone overcome alcohol addiction

How To Overcome Alcohol Addiction

Getting over alcohol addiction or helping an alcoholic may seem like an endless, bumpy road. There will be times it will even feel like...

11 Signs Of Self-Destructive Behavior And Ways To Correct It

Intentional damage caused to oneself is no good news. Being pessimist, having a fear of failure or under-performing, over or under eating, and harming oneself or others indicate self-destructive behavior. You need to have faith in yourself, believe in your loved ones who help you, be optimistic, and take a stand for yourself. You deserve the happiness!

Foods To Avoid During A Cold Or Flu

Even the most descriptive adjectives cannot express the terrible, pathetic and disgusting feeling we experience when we suffer from a cold and flu. Appetite...

How To Make Life Easier With Ongoing Pain

Adopt a healthy lifestyle – eat a healthy and nutritious diet, exercise, and improve your sleep quality to ease your chronic pain (pain lasting more than 12 weeks). Practicing yoga, meditation, and relaxation techniques help to control your stress level. Be engaged in the hobby you're interested to distract yourself from the chronic pain. Reduce drinking and quit smoking to sleep well and have an improved quality of life. Join a support group and consult a professional for help; don't hesitate! All of these can improve the quality of your life.

5 Causes Of A Nervous Or Mental Breakdown

If you've been experiencing mental breakdowns, you can chalk it up to stress and anxiety. This can be triggered by a demanding job that doesn't boost your morale or offer social support. It could also be caused due to a divorce or troubles with your partner. Poor general health, academic pressure, and financial difficulties can also pile on the stress.

Can Menopause Cause Weight Gain?

As women, so many of us spend so much time comparing our looks with those of other women – be it our friends, our...

Stop Talking In Your Sleep With These 4 Steps

Sleep talking is normal and medically, it is harmless. But, the embarrassment of being a sleep talker may make you feel uncomfortable. Because of...

How Healthy Is It To Drink Water After Eating?

Some people believe that drinking a glass of water while eating a meal can help you consume less food and thereby help you lose...
fetal alcohol syndrome

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: The Other Reason To Pass On The Martini

Fetal alcohol syndrome or FAS in babies and children is the direct fallout of maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy. It manifests in the form of genetic anomalies, permanent brain damage, prenatal or postnatal growth restriction, abnormal facial features or bone growth. While FAS is incurable, early diagnosis, intervention treatment services may help.