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A Historical Timeline Of Bizarre Aphrodisiacs

The need to procreate has been genetically programmed into every living creature on the planet. While most species engage in sex only to reproduce,...

Life After Surgery For Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder

Choosing surgical treatment for Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) is indeed a tough decision. You may have heard a lot of scaremongering stories about it....

7 Yoga Poses That Increase Your Sex Drive And Why

Everyone does yoga for their own reasons. Some want to be flexible, some want to become more spiritual, and some people do it because...
10 Great Health Benefits Of Cloves

10 Great Health Benefits Of Cloves

Cloves are not just used for cooking but have been used for centuries in ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine to treat a variety of ailments. Cloves are antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and have anti-cancer properties. From promoting good bone and skin health and boosting immunity to fighting off cancer-causing free radicals and controlling diabetes, clove makes for a highly effective all-natural home remedy.

9 Health Benefits Of Sex That Can Increase Lifespan

Sex is not just meant for procreation. It is an intimate activity that has numerous health benefits. A sexually active life can ensure a longer lifespan and bring happiness into the lives of the people involved. Regular sex has shown to reduce the risk of prostate cancer among men and prevent symptoms of menstrual cycles and even menopause among women.

6 Most Common Sexual Fantasies And Their Meaning

The perfect lover fantasy is a real-life partner or a stranger that would do anything to please you. Threesome fantasies are common among men. This usually happens when an individual has not had enough time to experiment his/her sexual desires. Bisexual fantasies reflect on the curiosity of the same sex. BDSM fantasies involve power and submission. Exhibitionism and voyeurism and animals and angels are other common sexual fantasies.

Sex Headaches: Symptoms, Causes And Treatment

When we think about sex, most often, we think only of the pleasure that comes with it. You exercise while you have fun, which...
10 Foods To Avoid Before Sex: The Mood Killers

10 Foods To Avoid Before Sex: The Mood Killers

Some foods act as anti-aphrodisiacs if consumed pre-lovemaking. These include gas-causing foods like French fries, broccoli, and canned foods. A number of foods lower sex drive and testosterone levels like hot dogs, peppermint, and tofu. The liquids aren’t left behind. Alcohol, tonic water, and energy drinks are best avoided before sex, too.

4 Reasons Why Sex Is Important For A Longer Life

While indulging in it every now and then can make you feel great, regular sex is also important for better health. Sex improves your immunity and heart health, eases your stress, and helps you get sound sleep. Not just that, it may also reduce your chances of acquiring prostate/breast cancer.
You favourite sex position can say a lot about you

7 Go-To Sex Positions And What They Say About You

There are small things and habits that tell us a lot about our personality: the nail biter is a nervous person, the one constantly...

8 Health Conditions That Can Make Sex Painful For Women

In endometriosis, the tissue that behaves like the lining of the womb is found in other body parts. Large cysts that may get ruptured during or after sex can cause pain. Other conditions causing painful sex include tumors in the walls of the uterus called fibroids, cervicitis – swelling of the cervix due to an infection from sexual activity, vaginal dryness, vaginismus (involuntary vaginal tightening), pelvic inflammatory disease, and vulvodynia (chronic pain in the vulva).

9 Tips To Skyrocket Your Sexual Performance

A sedentary lifestyle with quite unhealthy habits has gradually resulted in an increasingly poor sexual performance in most men. But some simple changes to life can majorly improve this. To name a few, quit smoking, stay fit, avoid stress, stay loyal to your partner, get a vasectomy, keep yawning, sleep well, drink caffeine, and check your medications for any side effects that could be affecting your sexual life.
things your doctor doesn't know

6 Important Things Your Doctor Doesn’t Know

Important things like prostate health, sex life problems, and hormonal imbalances, are a few things that your doctor may not know. They may not diagnose the symptoms correctly, that leads to improper treatment, and thus affecting your health. A doctor may not be able to diagnose fibromyalgia as it shows many common symptoms and cannot be diagnosed by lab tests. The right amount of protein that is safe for you, can only be decided by a nutritionist. Always visit a specialist for effective treatment of your problems.
Yoga Poses Can Improve Your Sex Life And Your Health

Top 10 Yoga Poses To Reignite Your Sex Life

Aging makes our body go through significant changes and some of these have a major influence on our sexuality. Sexual problems such as erectile...

9 Thoughts Every Woman Has About Sex After Childbirth

After having a baby, sex can be stressful. It’s normal to feel like it’s so awkward and different. Plus, your body changed so much! You might worry about your vagina or what your partner thinks. While it’s common to feel insecure, know that a loving partner won’t care. They’ll just be happy to have sex again. To maintain a healthy relationship, be open about your concerns. Things will feel better in time.