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Great Ways To Get Rid Of Back Spasms At Home

4 Great Ways To Get Rid Of Back Spasms At Home

Back spasms can be extremely painful. Treating them with home remedies like ice packs, aloe vera gel, turmeric paste, and castor oil can prevent any harmful side effects that prescription medicines can cause. For relief, simply place an ice pack on the affected area. Then, ask someone to massage the area up and down first and then sideways for relief.

How To Use Mayonnaise For Dry Hair?

Excessive heat, pollution, intense sun exposure, and sometimes, hormonal imbalance strip away moisture from your hair, giving you dry and brittle hair. Moreover, hair...

10 Pregnancy Myths Busted!

Pregnancy is all about the plethora of advice from everywhere – magazines, relatives, friends, and blogs. The pregnancy do’s and don’ts confuse you so...
Secrets To Looking Young From Celebrity Makeup Artists

7 Secrets To Looking Young From Celebrity Makeup Artists

To look young, you need to take care of your skin, hair, mind, and health. Eating nutritious food and drinking 8-10 glasses of water a day can help your skin look hydrated and flawless. Makeup artists recommend practicing yoga to unwind and relax. Also, when applying makeup, stick to natural colors and a simple routine.
Nail fungal infections can be a problem

3 Ways To Treat Nail Fungus With Oregano Oil

Oregano oil has antifungal properties, making it an excellent treatment for nail fungus. To use oregano essential oil, mix it with a carrier oil such as olive and grapeseed oils. You can also add tea tree oil for an enhanced antifungal activity. Apply the mixture to the infected nail and rinse off after 30 minutes. Alternatively, you can make a leave-in moisturizer with coconut oil, another antifungal ingredient. Be gentle with the nail and always keep it dry.

6 Tips For Prevention And Treatment Of Fordyce Spots On Lips

Most of the time, small bumps on different parts of the body go unnoticed, but those on your face or your genitals often raise...

Benefits Of Honey Face Mask For Glowing Skin

Honey is Nature’s gift to humans. The efforts of the honey bee enable us to improve our health and enhance beauty. Honey has numerous skin health benefits and is used extensively to treat skin conditions. It is a common ingredient in most health spas and salons across the world. Face masks can be prepared by mixing honey with other ingredients to obtain a glowing skin.
Natural Remedies For Canker Sores

7 Natural Remedies To Heal Canker Sores

Canker sores are small lesions on the insides of your mouth, lips and sometimes even your tongue. They’re also known as ulcers and look...

8 Ways To Soften Rough, Dry, Overworked Hands

Regardless of what line of work we're in, we all use our hands extensively. Our hands are always exposed to the sun and the...
Acne spots can be removed with simple home remedies.

7 Easy Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Acne Scars And Pimple Spots

Pimples and their after-effects can be irritating. It has been found that pimples are mostly a sign of acne in the skin. They are caused by...
3 Health Benefits And Possible Side Effects Of Aloe Vera Juice

3 Health Benefits And Possible Side Effects Of Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe vera juice can help the digestive system and can reduce stomach issues like flatulence, bloating, and constipation. Aloe vera has antimicrobial properties and may protect the immune system against disease-carrying pathogens. Some evidence suggests that the juice can also lower blood sugar levels and may be effective in the treatment of diabetes. Side effects of aloe juice include abdominal cramps, diarrhea, red urine, hepatitis, and electrolyte imbalance.
is aloe vera gel good for hair growth

Is Aloe Vera Gel Good For Hair Growth?

Aloe vera is an excellent remedy for all kinds of hair and scalp issues like dandruff, itching, hair loss and hair thinning. Loaded with vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, regular application of aloe vera juice topically can ensure speedy hair growth. It is a good moisturizer and cleanser, too.

6 Ways You Could Use Avocados To Treat Acne

Avocados are packed with nutrients and anti-inflammatory compounds that can help get rid of the bacteria causing acne. You could apply an avocado mask directly on your face. Other options are mixing avocados with tea tree oil, lemon, honey, yogurt, or oatmeal. Make sure to do a patch test before starting any natural remedy.
inner leaf vs whole leaf aloe vera gel

Inner Leaf Vs Whole Leaf Aloe Vera Gel: Difference And Benefits

Inner leaf aloe vera gel is made from the inner gel that is latex-free, while the whole leaf aloe vera gel is made using the entire leaf, including the latex. The latex content in the whole leaf gel makes it an effective laxative that can help you treat constipation. Inner gel aloe vera gel can be used to heal burns and insect bites. It also has anti-cancer properties, cures gastric ulcers, and hydrates the skin.
Healthy eating can be done even outside

5 Need To Know Restaurant Habits Of Healthy People

It’s possible to eat healthy while dining out. Start with a smart beverage choice, like water. Avoid high-calorie sugary drinks that increase hunger. If a dish has condiments, order it on the side to gain control over how much is used. It’s also a good idea to ditch creamy, fattening sauces. When possible, skip fried foods and look for grilled, baked, steamed, or roasted options. You can also practice portion control by sharing with a friend or taking half home.