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5 Reasons For That Skipped Heartbeat

There are many reasons why your heart skips a beat.

Have you ever felt a sudden skip in your heartbeat that came out of nowhere? We could think it is because we are in love, or that we are facing another type of heartache, or maybe we end up getting paranoid because we think it could mean heart problems. There are people on both ends of the spectrum. However, most of the time, a heart palpitation doesn’t necessarily have to be love, and it doesn’t necessarily have to mean cardiac problems. There are various reason your heart does this, and the phenomenon is known as premature ventricular contractions. It’s almost like your heart beats twice in the time that it’s supposed to beat once. Everyone has a PVC once in their lifetime, so it’s a fairly common thing to happen. Here are some reasons that you experienced a premature ventricular contraction:

  1. Dehydration 

    Hydration is really important to maintain heart functioning and pace. If there is a dip in fluid levels in our body and it isn’t replaced, the heart has to pump less fluid (blood) in more time, which leads to heart exertion. Dehydration also causes some essential nutrients like potassium and sodium to drop. These nutrients are important because they supply electrolytes to the heart and help with expansion and contraction. If you think you could be dehydrated, make sure to drink enough water to bring the fluid balance back to your body. If you are severely dehydrated, you might need a saline drip to restore lost nutrients and electrolytes.

  2. Exercise 

    The more rigorous the workout, the harder your heart works, which is a good thing and the whole point of exercise. But a more rigorous workout also means a higher risk of heart palpitations. If you like exercising often, consult a doctor beforehand to check if you have any pre-existing conditions. A condition known as ventricular arrhythmia can cause near-instant death because a person exerts themselves more than what their heart can handle. Since the heart is integral in an exercise regime, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

  3. Caffeine 

    Most people’s morning rituals start with coffee or an energy drink in an effort to jump start their body on its energy levels. Of course, this helps us to work better and more efficiently in the morning, but caffeine does have some important effects on our body. It raises our alertness levels by affecting our central nervous system, which then releases stress hormones through our body that cause our heart to beat much faster. Caffeine doesn’t cause PVCs per se, it just exacerbates the feeling of a rapidly beating heart. Reducing caffeine intake can greatly benefit your body, and make sure that your heart is in check.

  4. Insufficient Sleep 

    Sure a sleepless night makes us groggy, unfocused and extremely tired, but it also has an effect on out heart. Because we feel so tired and irritated, we feel stressed, which leads to a release of stress hormones, which then affect heart rhythm. Stress hormones are the primary cause of extra heart beats in our body. The National Sleep Foundation recommends at least 7 hours of sleep up to 9 hours per night for an adult up to 64 years of age, and 7 to 8 hours of sleep for those above 64 years.

  5. Undetected Heart Condition 

    Finally, if you have PVCs often, if they happen twice or thrice in a row, and all of this happens at a fast pace, it may be time to see a doctor. Most PVCs are usually harmless, or easily correctable, but going to a doctor if you feel like something isn’t right will give you the peace of mind that you need.

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