Pimples On Eyebrows: Causes And How To Get Rid Of It

Pimples On Eyebrows Causes And How To Get Rid Of It

The small red bumps on your face, called pimples, can be quite embarrassing and can also affect your self-esteem. These unsightly growths are caused when the pores become inflamed or your oil glands are clogged.

Pimples don’t just occur during puberty. They can also appear in adulthood depending on your health. Other than your cheeks and forehead, you might even find them on or around your eyebrows. Generally, pimples are temporary and heal on their own, unless they are infected. Pimples that appear on the eyebrows can be itchy and irritate your skin, if not taken care of.


Causes Of Pimples On Eyebrows

Here are 5 reasons why you may have pimples on your eyebrows.

1. Allergies

Allergies can cause pimples on eyebrows


Your skin may have a reaction to allergens, which can cause pimples or breakouts on your eyebrows. Drug allergy or certain types of makeup can make your skin itchy, red, and swollen. Makeup products may contain ingredients that you are allergic to, which can cause swelling or redness around your eyebrows.

Pimples on the eyebrows can also be caused due to food allergies. When you eat food that you are allergic to, the immune system acts against it, causing inflammation.


2. Hair Removal

Threading can cause pimples on eyebrows

Removing extra hair to shape the eyebrows is extremely painful, whether it is removed by threading or waxing. In addition to causing pain, it can sometimes lead to small bumps on the eyebrows. Shaving is also a method to remove the unwanted hair but it comes with the added trouble of ingrown hair.


These can lead to bumps and redness in the affected area. To avoid this, use a cold compress to soothe the itching and redness. Touching the eyebrows right after the hair has been pulled out can make it worse.

3. Thyroid Problems

Thyroid problems can cause pimples on eyebrows


The thyroid gland secretes hormones that are required for your body’s normal functioning. Hyperthyroidism is a condition where there is an excess production of the thyroid hormone. When there is an insufficient production of the hormones, the condition is known as hypothyroidism.

Hypothyroidism causes excess secretion of sebum or oil, resulting in acne.1 Using creams to treat acne is a temporary solution. To cure it completely, the root cause needs to be addressed.


4. Hormonal Changes

Hormonal changes can cause pimples on eyebrows

Androgens, the male hormones present in both men and women, contribute to acne. They overstimulate the oil glands, which cause an excess secretion of oil and result in pimples.2


These small bumps on or around the eyebrows are common during puberty. Also, during the menstrual cycle, women experience breakouts due to these hormonal fluctuations.

5. Eyebrow Piercing

Eyebrow piercing can cause pimples on eyebrows

Piercing your body parts is common. However, there is a risk of infection if clean tools and the right technique are not used. After you get a piercing on your eyebrows, ensure that you take care of the wound.

If proper care is not taken, it can cause an infection or even pimples around the area that was pierced. Sometimes, a bump may develop, which can be a pimple that contains pus.

Getting Rid Of Pimples On Eyebrows

Ways to get rid of pimples on eyebrows

Pimples on or around your eyebrows can be avoided by taking care of your skin. Exfoliate, cleanse, and moisturize your skin regularly to reduce the formation of a bump on your skin. If you are prone to getting pimples, stop using cosmetics. However, if the pimples still appear, you can use the following home remedies to help you get rid of them.

  • Lemon juice: Even though it might sting a little, applying lemon juice can reduce the redness and pain caused due to the pimples. Lemon juice contains citric acid that has antibacterial properties. It also helps to reduce the appearance of the pimples.3
  • Toothpaste: Toothpaste not only dries out the pimples but also kills the bacteria causing it as it contains hydrogen peroxide and triclosan. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin, reducing swelling and redness. Choose a toothpaste that doesn’t contain ingredients you are allergic to and avoid using a gel-based toothpaste.
  • Exfoliation: You can exfoliate even after a pimple appears. Unless it’s infected, use a mild scrub to loosen the skin and remove the debris.

If there is a swelling and the pimple is painful, do not try any home remedies. Visit a dermatologist at the earliest.
