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Natural And Guaranteed Ways To Increase Your “Feel Good” Hormones

Our feelings, whether they are of well-being, joy, and peace or they are of grief, depression, and anger – are all regulated by hormones and neurotransmitters.

Neurotransmitters are brain chemicals that communicate information between the brain and body. They relay signals between the neurons or nerve cells. These important chemicals interact with receptors located throughout the brain and the body to regulate a wide variety of processes including emotions, fear, pleasure, joy, anger, mood, and the perception of pain.


Emotional intelligence lies in our ability to become aware of our inner state and understand how to make our emotions work for us, rather than allowing them to rule over our minds.

4 Main Neurotransmitters

There are many chemicals that influence our feelings but they can be narrowed down to four main neurotransmitters which play an important role in feeling a sense of well-being or happiness.


1. Dopamine

It drives our brains reward system and its production is increased when we seek out ways to find pleasure or when we achieve an objective or goal.

2. Oxytocin

It also is known as the love hormone is directly linked to human bonding and increasing trust and loyalty.


3. Serotonin

This is commonly addressed as the confidence molecule, it increases feelings of worthiness and creates a sense of belonging.

4. Endorphin

This is also known as “runners high”, its release has been shown to increase happiness, allowing people to handle extreme stress and pain, decrease hunger, and increase the immune response.


Natural Ways To Boost Your Happy Hormones

Each one of the above chemicals can be activated by making minor alterations to our lifestyles. Listed below are some ways to increase the production of these neurotransmitters naturally and without much effort:

The Vedas talk about how our basic nature is one of “Satchidananda” or eternal bliss. By making small shifts in our daily choices and by being mindful of our conscious behavior, it is possible to improve our brain chemistry, and in turn feel better about ourselves and the world around us and motivate ourselves towards achieving our highest human potential.

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