Herbal Tinctures: What Are They And Do They Work?

What You Need To Know About Herbal Tinctures

Are you trying to live a more holistic lifestyle? Turn to herbal tinctures instead of commercial drugs. After all, there seems to be a pill for everything these days! And as more people question what’s in their medicine, you might wonder about natural remedies.

Herbal tinctures are a type of supplement. You might be familiar with capsules and teas, but tinctures have their own list of benefits. Here’s what you need to know.


What Are Herbal Tinctures?

What Are Herbal Tincture

A tincture is a concentrated herbal liquid. It’s made by soaking an herb, such as chamomile, in alcohol and water. It can be made different of strengths.1


Tinctures are stored in amber bottles with a dropper. This is important, as the amber bottle protects the herbs from sunlight. As with essential oils, light can damage the medicinal qualities. The liquid is taken by the drop. Depending on the strength, the packaging will have a recommended dose. It can either be consumed directly, or added to juice or water.

Benefits Of Herbal Tinctures

Benefits Of Herbal Tinctures


1. Easier To Take

Herbal pills, tablets, and capsules are more common than tinctures. You can even find them at drugstores! However, tinctures are easier to swallow. It’s a great option if you’re not a fan of taking pills.

2. No Preparation

Herbal teas are also easy to find. Yet, this option requires hot water and waiting time. With tinctures, you can take it on the go. This is perfect for traveling or when you don’t have time to heat water.


3. Free Of Chemicals

Tinctures are made with ingredients from the earth. Compared to commercial medicine, there are a lot fewer chemicals involved. Of course, it’s super important to purchase from a reputable farm or store.

Herbal Tinctures For Different Problems

1. Immune Boost: Elderberry

Elderberry helps to raise immunity


At the first sign of a cold, reach for elderberry. A 2017 study found that it can enhance the immune response, offering extra protection. It can even ward off the flu.2

2. Stress Relief: Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha helps to reduce stress and anxiety


Stress is normal. But when it adds up, it can take a toll on your health. Protect your body and mind with ashwagandha, a herb that reduces stress. As an added bonus, it’ll kick up your immune system.3

3. Tension Release: Holy Basil

Holy basil helps to release tension


Is your brain going in a million directions? Take holy basil, or tulsi, another herb that relaxes the mind. It suppresses the release of cortisol, the stress hormone. Specific enzymes that contribute to stress are also stopped.4

4. Sleep Issues: Skullcap

Skullcap helps to reduce sleep issues

Instead of popping a sleeping pill, opt for a skullcap tincture. A 2011 study in Behavioural Brain Research found that it acts on the central nervous system, creating a sedative effect. Even a low dose will increase the duration of sleep. Plus, the herb protects neurons from damage.5

5. Nausea: Ginger

Ginger is known for its anti-nausea benefits

Ginger is known for its anti-nausea benefits. As a tincture, it eases nausea just as well. Additional benefits include relief from diarrhea, constipation, gas, and vomiting.6

Safety Notes

  • As with any medicine, use caution. Herbal tinctures might be made from plants, but they are also drugs. You never know how the body will react.
  • If you’re pregnant, breastfeeding, or have pre-existing diseases, check with your doctor. Do the same if you’re on prescription medication.
  • The Food and Drug Administration doesn’t regulate herbal tinctures. To use them safely, always follow the directions and correct dosage.
