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9 Effective Tips To Hasten Recovery After A C-Section

C-section scar: 9 Effective Tips To Hasten Recovery After A C-Section

C-section: 9 Effective Tips To Hasten Recovery After A C-Section

A Cesarean section, or a C-section, is a method of delivering babies that involves making a surgical incision in the abdomen and uterus of the mother in labor. In certain instances, women choose this method over vaginal delivery. In some cases, it is medically required to avoid complications during birth, or it might have to be performed due to an emergency. Whatever the reason, the number of C-sections being performed is on the rise. A C-section is considered safe, but it takes longer to recover from it than a normal delivery. How quickly you recover from it depends on your level of pain tolerance and your body’s healing ability. Here are a few ways you can aid the healing process.


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1. Get Comfortable Clothes


After a C-section, your abdominal region will be extremely tender and sore. It will be painful even when your clothes rub against it. Wear loose night gowns instead of pajama pants to prevent such pain. It is also easier to remove night gowns when you have to pee. Stick to the mesh underwear provided by your hospital to avoid straining your abdomen.

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2. Take Painkillers

When you get a C-section, the pain can last for almost 2 weeks. Taking painkillers prescribed by your doctor is completely normal. You will be able to rest well and recover faster when your mind is off the pain. If the pain is severe even after taking the medicines, consult your doctor.


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3. Eat Well


Eating the right kind of foods will help you recover faster after a C-section. Eat foods that are high in vitamin C. It helps in the production of collagen, which is required for forming tissues. Nuts high in omega-3 fatty acids are anti-inflammatory, and chicken contains amino acids that form proteins that speed up tissue repair.

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4. Walk

You will not feel like moving around after a surgery, but after getting permission from your doctor, you should get some help and start walking. You don’t need to strain yourself. Just take as many steps as you can. Walking will improve your blood circulation, reduce your chances of blood clots, and help improve your bowel movements.


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5. Take Stool Softeners

Passing stool will be quite difficult and painful a few days or weeks after a C-section. When you strain, the incision on your abdomen will cause pain. Stool softeners will make the process of passing stool easier. You should ask your doctor for some if they have not prescribed any. Drink plenty of water and eat foods rich in fiber.

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6. Take Probiotics

During a surgery, you are given plenty of antibiotics, which remove the healthy bacteria from your gut. Probiotics will replenish the bacteria that improve your digestion and immunity. Ask your doctor to prescribe probiotics for you.

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7. Don’t Strain Your Body

Even though it is good to move around after a surgery, it is not good to strain your body. Proper rest will ensure faster recovery. Even if you feel good after reaching home, don’t overestimate your strength and start handling the household chores. You will only end up draining your energy and will feel wiped out for quite some time afterward. Take it slow.

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8. Keep A Pillow By Your Side

Your incision is very delicate and will hurt when your abdomen is under strain. Standing up, sitting down, sneezing, or coughing will be very painful. Pressing a soft pillow against your abdomen will help relieve some of the pain. Keep a pillow beside you at all times until your abdomen does not hurt as much.

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9. Use A Belly Binder

A belly binder is a strong elastic worn around your abdomen after a c-section. After your incision has healed a little, you can wear these binders to support your back and abdomen. You will feel much better after wearing them, but remember to take them off every once in a while. Wearing them around the clock will make your abdomen muscles weak over time.

Time is the best healer after any surgery. Be patient, and make sure to get plenty of rest and to eat properly. You do not have to be ashamed about asking for help when you need it. Let your partner also be involved in taking care of your newborn, so that you can take a break when you need to.

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