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Safe And Natural Birth Control Methods

Natural birth-control methods can be effective if used accurately. A popular option is to keep track of changes in your body temperature and cervical fluid while tracking your monthly cycle. Using fertility tests can also be useful. Lactational amenorrhoea, outercourse, and herbal medications also help.
Vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) has some risks but might be safer than multiple C-sections.

Risks Of Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC): 6 Factors To Consider

If you’re due to deliver soon and have had a C-section before, some comforting statistics should make you feel better about a vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC). While risks of uterine rupture exist, the odds aren’t worse than when having multiple C-sections. What’s best depends on your health, age, and pregnancy complications if any.
Cholestasis of pregnancy is a liver disorder that can cause complications like fetal distress, preterm delivery, and stillbirth.

Cholestasis Of Pregnancy: 6 Things To Know About This Liver Problem

Intrahepatic holestasis of pregnancy (ICP) causes bile flow to slow down and bile acids to move into your bloodstream. Since the bile acids may cross the placenta and reach your baby, if untreated, it can lead to complications like fetal distress, meconium passage, stillbirth, preterm birth, and maternal hemorrhaging. Symptoms include itching, dark urine, pale stools, and abdominal pain.

Exercising During Pregnancy Can Benefit You In These 9 Ways

Wondering if exercising during pregnancy is a good idea? Engaging in low to moderate intensity exercise while pregnant reduces the duration of and exertion during labor. Not just that, it also allows for a speedy recovery after delivery and reduces the risk of pregnancy-related complications. While pregnant, steer clear of contact and high-intensity sports. Take to lighter forms of exercise like walking, stationary cycling, and swimming instead.
How much weight should you gain during pregnancy?

How Much Weight Should You Gain During Pregnancy?

Ideal weight gain during pregnancy varies depending on your BMI. Weight gain recommendations include 25–35 pounds if you’re normal weight, 28–40 pounds if you’re underweight, 15–25 pounds if you’re overweight, and 11–20 pounds if you’re obese. Keep your diet healthy, exercise regularly, and aim at steady and gradual weight gain.

Reasons Why You Might Be Craving Meat

Foodies who love their meat find it extremely hard to give up. Attachment to and an affinity for meat causes meat cravings. Not meeting the adequate dietary protein requirements might also be a cause for this. People who are deficient in iron, zinc, vitamin B12, folate, or magnesium might crave red meat. Pregnant women might also have these cravings. Often, craving for meat might be craving for junk food. The latter is highly addictive.
Asthma during pregnancy can cause complications and birth defects.

Asthma During Pregnancy: Things You Should Know As You Plan A Baby

Asthma affects between 4 and 12% of pregnant women but it doesn’t cause any significant risk when it’s well controlled. Take asthma medication as prescribed by your doctor to keep the condition under control and to avoid potential risks to both you and the baby.
Causes of bleeding during pregnancy include implantation bleeding, ectopic pregnancy, and miscarriage.

11 Factors That Can Cause Bleeding During Pregnancy

Bleeding during pregnancy can be caused by harmless changes as well as serious conditions. Light bleeding can occur when the baby implants in the uterus or due to increased blood flow in the cervix. But it may also point to problems with the placenta, infection, ectopic or molar pregnancies, miscarriage, or preterm labor.
Causes of a miscarriage

What Causes A Miscarriage? Risk Factors That Could Affect A Pregnancy

Miscarriages are never easy to deal with and many women end up blaming themselves. The reality, however, is that most early pregnancy losses are linked to natural causes like chromosomal abnormalities. Underlying maternal health problems and lifestyle factors may also cause miscarriage though these do not make up the bulk of cases.
To relieve pregnancy back pain, use hot and cold packs, maintain proper posture, and practice yoga.

9 Remedies To Relieve Pregnancy Back Pain: We’ve Got Your Back!

Back pain is a common problem during pregnancy. Applying a cold or hot pack to the area, maintaining proper posture, avoiding lifting heavy objects, and using a firm mattress and supportive pillows while sitting can help. Practice back strengthening exercises and prenatal yoga or aquanatal exercises. Or try acupuncture.
Peppermint and spearmint help reduce nausea and indigestion during pregnancy but is best avoided by women with GERD.

Having Mint During Pregnancy: Pros And Cons You Should Be Aware Of

Both spearmint and peppermint are used to deal with two common problems associated with pregnancy – morning sickness and indigestion. But excessive use of these herbs can be harmful during pregnancy, so limit intake. Peppermint tea should also not be used if you have gastroesophageal reflux disease.
Home remedies for indigestion during pregnancy include ginger and turmeric tea, bananas, and honey,

8 Home Remedies For Tackling Indigestion During Pregnancy

Indigestion is a common complaint during pregnancy. Have small frequent meals instead of large ones. Eating bananas, drinking turmeric or ginger tea, and having honey can help. So can sitting up while you eat, cutting down on caffeine and fatty or spicy foods, and eating foods like yogurt that boost digestion.
Swimming is a good exercise during pregnancy but avoid it if you have pregnancy complications.

Swimming During Pregnancy: Different Strokes For Different Moms

Swimming is a great way to relax and stay fit when you’re pregnant. It can also reduce pregnancy symptoms like back pain or water retention. Just ensure the water is clean so you don’t catch recreational water illnesses or expose yourself to problematic pool disinfectant byproducts. A little care can help you make the most of this low-impact aerobic workout.
You can conceive successfully by timing your intercourse with your ovulation.

How To Conceive: The 101 On Getting Pregnant

If you’re trying to have a baby, master fertility awareness methods to improve the odds of conceiving. But simply knowing your ovulation dates won’t help. Timing intercourse correctly (a day or two before ovulation), eating healthy, avoiding smoking, alcohol, and drugs, and staying stress- and anxiety-free can make all the difference!

11 Factors That Influence Your Chances Of Having Twins

Whether you can give birth to fraternal twins depends on your genes. Other factors that raise your chances include age above 35 years, a higher BMI, a diet rich in dairy products, and multiple pregnancies. IVF is known to hike the chances too. Do note, however, that the factors responsible for the conception of identical twins remain unknown.