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Healing Power Of Honey Water

Ancient Greeks had it. Ancient Egyptians loved it. And if you read old scriptures of Ayurveda, it tells you how honey is one of the greatest gifts to mankind. Wasn’t there even a show dedicated to a certain bear’s obsession with honey?


Honey water consumption has been followed for centuries by people around the world. Here are a good few reasons to make it part of your routine as well.

1. Raise Your Immunity


Build up your armor with honey water! Honey is made up of antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory ingredients. It stimulates your body to fight against infections.

The acidity feature of honey also helps to kill the bacteria ingested by macrophages (the good guys present in every tissue that’s responsible to eat up foreign or harmful substances).1 Mix 2–3 teaspoons of honey in warm water or tea and have it first thing in the morning.


2. Improve Your Digestion

Ayurveda tells us of how honey was used as a laxative aid and helped to clear the digestive tract. Research also shows that honey enhances the growth of probiotic bacteria present in the colon, which helps to cleanse and detoxify your system.2


You can consume honey with water water and a little boiled parsley.

3. Treat A Ticklish Throat


Reach out to honey in case of a bad throat. There has been plenty of research that proves honey is very helpful for an aching throat. The darker the honey, the more better for your throat.3

The remedy has also been used for centuries in ancient Greek and Egyptian times. You don’t have to stick to the age-old remedy of mixing honey, lemon, and warm water (though it works). Kick it up a notch with pepper or peppermint and give your throat a comforting sizzle.


If you are into spices, then try honey water with lemon and ginger juice.

4. Lose Weight


You don’t have to remove sweets altogether from your diet. Everybody gets a sugar crave. Multiple studies are of the opinion that replacing sugar with honey will help prevent weight gain.4

Another study revealed that participants had lost weight and body fat after a month of consuming 70g of raw honey.5 They also saw a dip in total cholesterol. But honey is still added sugar, so moderation is the key to weight loss. Best not to overdo it.

You could have a teaspoon of honey in a glass of water, 30 minutes before each meal. This stops you from overeating and reduces your sugar craving after a meal. If you think that’s not interesting enough, spice it up with a dash of cinnamon. You could also substitute water with green tea.

5. Detoxify Your System

It’s good to have a glass of honey, lemon, and water every day. The drink is loaded with vitamin C, vitamin B and magnesium. This concoction drains your body from toxins and cleans up your system.

Honey water is such an easy life hack. You could pretty much add anything to it, to make it live up to your taste buds. It’s no wonder everyone loves it.


1 Manyi-Loh, Christy E., Anna M. Clarke, and N. Ndip. “An overview of honey: therapeutic properties and contribution in nutrition and human health.” African Journal of Microbiology Research 5, no. 8 (2011): 844-852.
2 El-Arab, Aly M. Ezz, Shenouda M. Girgis, Eman M. Hegazy, and Azzat B. Abd El-Khalek. “Effect of dietary honey on intestinal microflora and toxicity of mycotoxins in mice.” BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 6, no. 1 (2006): 1.
3 Eteraf-Oskouei, Tahereh, and Moslem Najafi. “Traditional and modern uses of natural honey in human diseases: a review.” Iranian journal of basic medical sciences 16, no. 6 (2013): 731-742.
4 Larson-Meyer, D. Enette, Kentz S. Willis, Lindsey M. Willis, Kathleen J. Austin, Ann Marie Hart, Ashley B. Breton, and Brenda M. Alexander. “Effect of honey versus sucrose on appetite, appetite-regulating hormones, and postmeal thermogenesis.” Journal of the American College of Nutrition 29, no. 5 (2010): 482-493.
5 Yaghoobi, Noori, Noori Al-Waili, M. Ghayour-Mobarhan, S. M. R. Parizadeh, Z. Abasalti, Z. Yaghoobi, F. Yaghoobi et al. “Natural honey and cardiovascular risk factors; effects on blood glucose, cholesterol, triacylglycerole, CRP, and body weight compared with sucrose.” The scientific world journal 8 (2008): 463-469.
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