
Shalini Ghosh


A Pinch Of Turmeric A Day May Keep The Heart Doctor Away

A study involving 32 postmenopausal women found that consuming a teaspoonful of turmeric every day is just as effective as one hour of exercise in keeping the heart strong and healthy. Thanks to the presence of a compound called curcumin, turmeric is helpful in fighting inflammation and oxidative damage. Because of the relaxing effect it has on our blood vessels, it can also prevent clots that increase one's risk of stroke and heart disease.

Try This Easy Home Remedy To Bust That Phlegmy Cough

This easy home remedy to cure cough and phlegm requires two easily available ingredients – carrots and honey. The beta-carotene in carrots helps your body make vitamin A, a micronutrient that boosts your immunity against disease-causing antigens and protects your cell from oxidative damage. Honey on the other hand contains vitamin C, ethereal oils and alcohol that not only fights infections and free radicals, but also helps relieve the painful symptoms of coughing.

4 Health Dangers Of Exposing Yourself To Thirdhand Smoke

The sticky, toxic nicotine and other chemicals from secondhand tobacco smoke cling to walls and ceilings, curtains, carpets, and other upholsteries. These can react with common indoor air pollutants like nitrous acid and ozone to form carcinogenic nitrosamines and ultrafine particulate matter that can cause brain, liver, and DNA damage, weaken your immunity, and increase one's risks of cancer. Children and hospitality workers are more susceptible to thirdhand smoke.

4 Natural Aspirin Substitutes That Won’t Harm Your Stomach

Garlic can inhibit the progression of coronary artery calcification by stabilizing vulnerable plaque build-up along the artery walls, while boosting blood pressure and circulation. The presence of active compounds like curcumin in turmeric and eugenol in cloves has been shown to inhibit blood platelet-clotting while mustard oil has been shown to reduce overall bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood.

Everything You Need To Know About Sunless Tanning

Most sunless tanning products contain DHA, a sugar that temporarily darkens the color of dead skin cells to give the appearance of a tan. Not all sunless tanning products are safe, however. The pills contain large amounts of canthaxanthin that can lead to unwanted side effects while DHA is best kept away from our mucous membranes. Self-tanning products can't protect your skin from the sun either, so application of a sunscreen remains essential.

5 Festive Superfoods To Beat Weight Gain This Holiday Season

Holiday staples like apples, pumpkins, and sweet potatoes are high in beneficial nutrients and fiber. These foods not only boost your immunity, but also prevent unhealthy snacking tendencies. Meat lovers may opt for turkey, a high-protein, low-calorie choice that won't harm their cholesterol levels. Cooking with cinnamon is also a great way to keep your blood sugar levels stable and preventing insulin resistance that can further benefit your weight-loss goals.

6 Subtle Warning Signs That You May Have Heart Disease

Dizziness may be a result of artery blockage that's lowering your blood pressure while extreme fatigue and blue nails could be indicative of a weak heart that's straining to send out enough oxygen to your organs. Frequent abdominal pain and swollen feet may be early warning signs of a heart attack or faulty cardiac valves. Research also suggests that poor oral health may point to an unhealthy heart.

The Mediterranean Diet Food List For Newbies

Minimally processed plant-based foods in their most natural form are the staples of this diet while eating fatty seafood that's rich in omega-3 fatty acids is recommended at least twice a week. Olive oil takes the place of butter and margarine and fresh herbs and spices replace sodium for seasoning. Animal proteins like chicken and eggs are considered to be side dish items with sweets and red meat are limited to sparse servings.

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