
Mridu Pradhan


5 Reasons To Embrace Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a unique traditional Chinese medicine practice that focuses on holistic healthcare. Most of you may not want to try it out because,...

Signs That You Might Have A Fungal Infection

Our bodies are covered in many different fungal communities, which form tight-knit colonies according to their kind. Some of them are harmless and crucial...

Are These 5 Superfoods Really Good For You?

Superfoods do not belong to a specific food group but include a wide variety of foods that are packed with nutrients. They are gaining...

5 Simple Homemade Scrubs For All Types Of Skin

Having beautiful skin often makes you feel confident and proud. But having flawless, glowing skin and maintaining it is often not that easy because...

5 Natural Aids That Help You Sleep Better

Getting sound sleep each night is extremely important for good health. It lowers your risk of obesity, heart disease, and stroke. Proper sleep also...

7 Herbs And Spices That Diabetics Should Take

Diabetes mellitus, or diabetes, refers to a group of metabolic disorders that affects your body's ability to use blood sugar. There are three main...

Reasons For Random Penis Pains Explained

Though the phrase "having balls" is considered a sign of strength and masculinity, the area below your belt is actually one of the most...

6 Ways You Actually End Up Killing All The Goodness In Superfoods

As each day goes by, people are becoming more and more conscious of their health because they now know that a sedentary and unhealthy...

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