
Aardhra Krishna


How To Overcome Hemophobia Or The Fear Of Blood?

The phobia of blood is the only phobia that can make an individual experience a fall in blood pressure and loss of consciousness. A majority of individuals just avoid situations that trigger hemophobia instead of finding ways to overcome it. Researchers have proven that retraining the mind to break negative associations with blood is the best way to get rid of this phobia.

8 Yoga Poses To Relieve Your Anxiety And Stress

Yoga is essential for the overall health of the human body. Studies have proven that deep breathing techniques like pranayama and yoga poses like the easy pose, cat-cow pose and much more can help us handle anxiety and stress better. Simple yoga poses when practiced daily can bring about a lasting positice change in our mental and physical well-being.

4 Simple Exercises Every Man Should Do For A Great Sex Life

A relaxed mind and fit body with adequate stamina are of paramount importance in determining a man' sexual performance. Exercises that strengthen the arms, core, legs, back and pelvic floor need to be followed daily. Before the act, it's also good to practice deep breathing and mindful meditation to calm the mind and body.

5 Ways To Help Your Children Deal With Your Divorce

When parents choose to separate, the most affected members of a family are the children. Parents should look at this event as a time to place the best interests of their kids above anything else. From making sure that they are loved to allowing them to express themselves freely, children need a lot of reassurance from parents to handle the transition in a smooth manner.

Why Ayurveda Recommends That You Drink Hot Water Daily?

Ayurveda uses hot water as an essential part of Ushnodaka therapy. Having hot water daily eliminates ama or accumulated toxins that cause diseases. This, in turn, boosts metabolism, improves digestion, relieves respiratory distress and also gives you great skin and hair. Different body types also require hot water differently

Why Role Playing Is Great For Your Relationship?

Researchers have found that couples who indulge in shared leisure activities are happier and had healthier relationships. This includes not just outdoor games but also interesting role playing games in the bedroom. From solidifying trust between a couple to paving way for some stimulating conversations. Role play can actually do wonders for your relationship.

10 Disease-Fighting Herbs That Are Easy To Grow

Herbs need not be something you add to your dishes while cooking. With a little bit of interest and effort, you can have your very own herb garden at home. Many of the commonly found herbs have excellent health benefits and have been used for centuries. It's best to plant and nurture the herb that most suits to your ailment.

Can Brain-Training Games Actually Make You Smarter?

Brain training games are much hyped these days. Millions of people play these games hoping that their brain functioning will improve. Researchers claim that there is no scientifically supported evidence that brain games can boost brain power and make you smarter. These games improve only certain areas of the brain and have been unable to bring significant changes.

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