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12 Million Women Ignore These Symptoms Of Thyroid Disorder

Symptoms of thyroid dirorder


An estimated 27 million Americans are living with a thyroid condition and they are not even aware of it! The numbers would be much high if you consider the world as a whole. Fortunately, thyroid conditions are treatable. They can be tricky to diagnose since the symptoms tend to be subtle and can easily be mistaken for symptoms of other health disorders. Here are some of the most common red flags to watch out for.



1. Change In Sleep Patterns

You’ve been a deep sleeper but suddenly you can’t sleep well at night anymore. An overactive thyroid pumps out T3 and T4 hormones in excess, which can overstimulate the central nervous system, leading to insomnia. If you end up spending night after night in bed worrying about random things then you might have a problem. Insomnia if not treated could lead to many other health disorders like weight loss, weight gain, hair loss, fatigue, anxiety, and depression.


2. Anxiety For No Reason

If you’re a person who does not get flustered to easily but is now getting worried and anxious about every single thing in your life, then you are either becoming more mature OR suffering from a thyroid problem. While the former reason is quite natural, the latter should be tended to immediately. Though it is only human nature to feel worried about certain things in life, constant worrying can even cause you to slip into anxiety or depression.


3. Change In Bowel Habits

A sudden change in your bowel movements is a sure symptom of a faulty thyroid. This usually happens when your thyroid is under-active. Frequent bouts of constipation is a sign of  an under-active thyroid, while an overactive thyroid will not affect your bowel movements. If you notice a sudden change in your bowl movement even though you haven’t altered your eating patterns, then there is a chance that your thyroid gland requires medical attention.


4. Thinning Of Your Hair

Uneven hair growth is a major dilemma faced by many women who suffer from a faulty thyroid. This can particularly affect their eyebrows. An under-active or overactive thyroid could affect your hair’s growth cycle. This causes a small portion of your hair to stay stunted while the rest of your hair grows, making your scalp look bearer. Hair loss too is a symptom that can harrow women who face thyroid problems as the lack of hormones would make the hair strands weak and brittle.


5. Sweating At Random Times

Sweating during untimely hours or excessive sweating when you shouldn’t be shows signs of a hyperactive thyroid. The higher than normal hormone levels can rev up your metabolism, making you feel overly warm and exhausted. This could also end up making you feel tired and dehydrated. If you get the feeling that you are sweating more than usual then it is advised that you look into the matter more closely.


6. A Surprising Weight Gain

A sudden weight gain is another common symptom that screams “thyroid disorder”. If you feel that you have packed some unnecessary pounds though you haven’t altered your eating habits, then maybe your thyroid is at fault. When you have an under-active thyroid, your hormone levels would fall quickly, causing your metabolism to go down. Low metabolism would slow down your body from burning calories, thus causing you to gain weight quickly.


7. Sudden Loss Of Weight

Just like weight gain, a sudden cut down on your weight is another prominent symptom of thyroid disorder. An overactive thyroid would secret more hormones, causing your metabolism to shoot up, thus allowing your body to burn calories faster. While this might sound like a good side effect, it definitely is not. If you’re able to squeeze into smaller clothes without any diet or exercise, you better get your thyroid checked.

Read More: Fast Weight Loss Diet Plan

8. Brain Fog

Another common symptom of a thyroid gland that is not functioning properly is brain fog. Do you often experience episodes where you can’t think straight or forget basic stuff like your date of birth. Your brain doesn’t work right when your thyroid doesn’t, leading to a fuzzy brain. Subtle loss of memory and overall mental fatigue are some of the signs that should never be overlooked. Get your thyroid levels checked immediately if your ever experience these symptoms.

9. A Gush Of Too Much Energy

An overactive thyroid could also end up pumping you with sudden energy, speeding your body up without your knowledge. On such instances, you will feel restless and strangely charged; like you’ve had too much caffeine even when you’re relaxed. Too much of anything is not good for you, not even energy. Consult your doctor to find out what’s really going on in your body when you experience such inexplicable symptoms.

10. Craving For An Afternoon Nap

If you are a person who is not used to taking naps but suddenly feel the need to take them every day, then it might be a sign that your body hosting an unhealthy thyroid gland. Heightened tiredness you experience during day time could be a sign of an under-active thyroid gland. Your body depends on the thyroid hormones to produce energy, a lack of which could cause your body to run out of energy quickly.

11. Early And Late Dates

There are days when your period might come a few days early or become a few days late. But if your period is never on time, and you experience heavy flow, chances are that your thyroid might not be producing enough hormones. This happens when your thyroid is under-active. In case of an overactive thyroid,  your period would get lighter, and occur after very long gaps. It is unhealthy in either of the cases and you have to seek expert advice as soon as you spot these symptoms.

12. Infertility Or Miscarriage

If you have has a miscarriage or are suffering from infertility, but have no family history of the same, then it is recommended that you get your thyroid gland tested. Low levels of hormones can greatly affect your ovulation cycles and even increase your risks of miscarrying. This condition can be rectified with the help of proper medication and hormonal supplements. Even if you have a family history of infertility, it is better to get your thyroid screened to be on the safer side.


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