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10 Natural Ways To Deal With Depression And Anxiety

It can be quite difficult and at times impossible to handle anxiety and depression. There are times when you feel like you are stuck in a black hole and can never get out again.People often opt for expert advice in the form of therapy and antidepressants to fight back. But how effective and safe are they? Here are 10 ways in which you can bounce back to your happy self without endless prescriptions or therapy bills.

1. Discover Your Comfort Food


Everyone will have their special comfort food, which can pull them out of the dumps. Be it pizza, chocolate, ice cream, cheesecake or even carrots! Whatever your comfort food is, keep a stock at home so you are never caught offhand when you feel an anxiety attack creeping up on you. But that said, don’t forget to eat healthy and keep yourself hydrated.

2. Meditate To Stay Calm


Being on good terms with your mind is very important when trying to deal with depression or anxiety. Connect with your mind and soul through meditation.Meditating will help you reflect upon yourself and come up with solutions to many of your problems as it clears the path to a relaxed and open mind.

3. Learn To Talk To People


People who suffer from depression or anxiety tend to lock themselves up in their shells, unwilling to let anyone or anything in. But this should not be the case. Talking to others, or to at least that special someone (could be your mother, father, sister, best friend, partner, spouse or even your goldfish) will help you emote. It’s unhealthy to keep your emotions pent up inside you. Learn to talk, and listen- this will bring you great relief.

4. Start Your Day With Green Tea


Start off things in the morning with a big mug of green tea, brimming with freshness and good thoughts. It will help flush out the toxins within you, cleansing your mind as well as body.

5. End Your Day With Chamomile Tea


One of the biggest problems faced by those suffering from anxiety and depression is the inability to catch some shut eye. It is a chicken-and-egg situation, as lack of sleep leads to depression, and depression in turn, leads to lack of sleep. Learn to relax by drinking some chamomile tea half an hour before your bedtime. For extra measures, you could slip a lavender sleep sachet under your pillow or burn some lavender scented candles in your room

6. Give Your Coffee Breaks A Break


Let’s face it, your coffee is only going to give you temporary relief. It merely pumps up your body with unnecessary caffeine, making you jumpy and unsettled. Caffeine is known to affect the serotonin levels of your brain, which happens to be a vital neurotransmitter. It would be best to stay off your coffee at least on the days you experience mood swings or feel anxious.

7. Up Your B-Vitamin Intake


Vitamin B (B-12 in particular) plays a vital role in regulating your moods. Deficiency of vitamin B will make it difficult for you to get a hold of your emotions. You can either choose to take supplements (if you are a vegetarian or vegan) or consume foods rich in vitamin B like fish, shellfish, spinach, cheese, turkey, and bell peppers.

8. Experience The Magic Of Magnesium

If you have been oblivious about the 4th, most prevalent mineral in our body, then it’s time to think again. Magnesium helps our body produce energy, stabilizes our brain cells and even regulates our heartbeats. Your magnesium levels tend to go down every time you get stressed out. So it’s up to you to keep your body magnesium-rich with the help of foods like roasted cashews, almonds, bananas, soy milk, boiled spinach, and cooked black beans.

9. Get A Hobby

May sound trivial, but keeping yourself occupied is necessary when going through depression or anxiety. It could be anything like sketching, shopping (yes, it could be a hobby if you have enough money to splurge), collecting matchboxes, snapping pictures of funny pets, taking on DIY home projects etc.

10. Get Off Facebook And Write In A Book Instead

It’s best not to pour out your feelings on social media, giving others the liberty to sympathize and scrutinize. Instead, start a journal, write down what’s going in your head during your worst times. Jotting down your emotions will help flush them out of your system. This helps, especially if you prefer not to talk to anyone. Try reading what you have recorded once you are in a good mood- this will help you evaluate your moods and handle them better the next time.

Some other effective ways to tackle depression include taking walks, travelling to new places or just having some fun. Try to be among your loved ones as it is the best medicine you can ever get. Also, stay off social media when you are depressed as it will only make you feel like everyone has it figured out except you, though that may not be the case. Identify your strengths and weaknesses and find out your own ways to channel emotions and anxiety. Never forget that you are not alone in this world when you feel depressed or anxious- those are mere mental conditions that you can overcome and move away from.

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