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Yoga Asanas To Help With Digestion And Appetite

Yoga and the practice of it has several benefits. Indeed, it is even being used as alternative therapy against trauma and mental illness. In the context of digestion, yoga asanas can help improve the process, clear constipation, remove flatulence, and regulate appetite. Most asanas for digestion focus either on putting pressure on the abdomen or on stretching the abdominal muscles such that the internal organs receive a gentle massage.
The manas and the buddhi are the first two parts.

The Manas And The Buddhi In Yoga And Meditation

The mind is the ultimate core of yoga and meditation practice. The mind is functioning in us because it is connected to the body, however,...
7 Yoga Poses To Help Cervical Spine And Neck Issues

6 Yoga Poses To Help With Cervical Spine And Neck Issues

Spine and neck problems can be caused due to an accident or due to daily activities like using the laptop. Yoga poses can help issues related to the spine and neck. These poses include 8-point shoulder opener pose, cow face arms pose, standing forward fold shoulder pose, thread the needle pose, seated spinal twist pose, and supported fish pose.
What These Seven Styles Of Yoga Mean

7 Different Styles Of Yoga And What They Mean

If you’re new to yoga, then you might be confused by all the different schools of yoga on offer. Picking the right style of...

10 Yoga Poses To Combat Headaches

A headache once in a while is not a big deal. But if you're experiencing regular headaches even though you're medically fit, the reason...

7 Yoga Asanas And Pranayama Exercises To Stop Hair Loss

To naturally stop hair loss, do yoga and breathing exercises. It’ll enhance circulation and blood flow to your head. Standard asanas include downward-facing dog, big toe pose, seated forward bend, and camel pose. Even corpse pose will relieve stress, a major cause of hair loss. Simple abdominal breathing can also get the blood flowing. To take it up a notch, try alternate nostril breathing for better circulation.

7 Anti-Aging Yoga Poses To Stay Young Forever

Before you get too excited, you should know that yoga can't stop your body from becoming old nor can it erase the wrinkles and...
These poses help more than just your heart though.

5 Yoga Poses For Better Heart Health

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in men and women. Most of the time, lifestyle choices like unhealthy eating, smoking and lack...
Yoga can reduce symptoms of depression.

Yoga’s Integral Role In Tackling Depression

Yoga is not just a physical exercise, but a spiritual one too. There are 8 different limbs to yoga, and completing the last one...
Yoga Poses For Balancing Pitta Dosha

7 Yoga Poses For Balancing Pitta Dosha

If you're a Pitta dominant person, do cooling yoga moves. This will reduce irritability and let you surrender. Start with the sphinx pose – a move that'll stretch out your back and chest. Do the wide-angled seated pose for a deep, calming stretch. Playful poses like lion pose and happy baby will make it hard to be irritated. End with cooling poses such as child's pose, corpse pose, and reclining bound angle pose.

6 Yoga Asanas That Can Cure Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disease that visibly manifests as red, itchy, scaly patches of abnormal skin. It is a non-communicable disease, reason for...
Creative Ways To Share Yoga With Children

6 Creative Ways To Share Yoga With Children

Teaching kids yoga creatively is not just fun for them but also for you. You could get them to tell a story or sing a song about yoga poses. Play a fun game of yoga Pictionary or musical mats (along the lines of musical chair). Help them learn how to meditate with chants about a quality they admire.

5 Tips For Choosing A Yoga Teacher Training Program

If you have been practicing yoga for quite some time now and you want to take it to the next level, then you should...
7 Moves To Take Your Core Training To The Next Level

7 Moves To Take Your Core Training To The Next Level

We all want those sexy six pack abs, but doing just the crunches gets monotonous. Take your core training to an exciting next level with these seven moves: slider knee tucks, stir the pot, medicine ball side throw, cable crunch, Bosu ball side to side rock, TRX fallout, and lastly, the plank position.

7 Things To Know Before Buying A Yoga Mat

Choosing the right yoga mat gives you a seamless and comfortable experience. The first step is understanding the type of yoga you would be doing. The other factors that influence are the thickness, size, grip, weight, and material of the mat. The appearance also plays an important role in fueling your spirits.