6 Yoga Poses To Help With Cervical Spine And Neck Issues

7 Yoga Poses To Help Cervical Spine And Neck Issues

The cervical spine or neck is a delicate part of your body that consists of bones, nerves, muscles, ligaments, and tendons. It is strong at the same time flexible allowing movement in all directions.

However, because of the stresses and force that can be placed on it either due to trauma or daily activities, the cervical spine is at a risk of developing a number of painful conditions. Cervical neck pain, stiff neck, arm pain are a few common conditions of the spine and neck.


If the condition is too severe, you need to consult a doctor immediately. However, if the pain is mild, yoga can relieve the pain gradually, provided the yoga poses are performed correctly. Let’s examine these yoga poses.

6 Yoga Poses To Help Cervical Spine And Neck Issues

1. 8-Point Shoulder Opener Pose


  • Lie down flat on the ground on your belly and your palms facing on the floor.
  • Turn your head to the right.
  • Extend your left arm with the palms facing the ground.
  • Next, bring your right leg over the top, turning your body.
  • Take your right arm and bring it all the way back where your left arm making a clasp.
  • Hold this position and breathe normally.
  • Slowly bring your body back to the normal position.

2. Cow Face Arms Pose


  • Sit on your yoga mat with your legs stretched straight in front of you with your back erect.
  • Bend your knees drawing your feet up closer to your body.
  • Slide your right leg under your left leg, bringing your right foot to your left hip.
  • Draw your left foot to your right hip, placing both knees on top of each other.
  • Your heels must be in equal distance from your hips.
  • Raise your left arm and bend it down at the elbow as you reach behind your head along your back.
  • Reach behind with your right arm and interlock the fingers of your left hand with those of your right.
  • Make sure you don’t overstretch; if you cannot get your hands to meet behind your back, you can hold a belt in your left hand and hold it with your right.
  • Breathe naturally in this pose.
  • Bend forward, bringing your chest down toward your knees.
  • Breathe evenly and smoothly holding this bent position as long as you can.
  • Release the pose by bringing your chest back up, ungrasping your hands, and unbending your knees.
  • Repeat the same pose on the other side with your left leg.

3. Standing Forward Fold Shoulder Pose


  • Bring your hands on your hips and bend slowly, relaxing your torso and neck down.
  • Bring both your arms behind you, interlacing all ten fingers.
  • Draw the shoulder blades together, squeezing them together, and lift your chest up a little.
  • Make sure you don’t collapse the shoulders.
  • Gently release the hands, and gently get back to the initial position.

4. Supported Fish Pose


  • You will require two blocks for this yoga pose.
  • Sit upright and place one block length-wise between the shoulder blades.
  • In this position, bring yourself to lie down with the block underneath your back. You can bend your legs, bringing your feet closer to the body.
  • Place the second block under your head.
  • Rest your arms on either side.
  • If you have no discomfort felt on your neck, you can release the block under your head.
  • In this position, breathe normally and relax.

5. Thread The Needle Pose


  • Begin in a table top position, with your palms and knees on the ground and shoulders over wrists and hips over knees.
  • Inhale and lift your right arm to the sky, opening the chest.
  • Then exhale and pull your right hand underneath you, just like you would pull a thread through the needle hole.
  • Rest on the posterior side of your right shoulder and relax, releasing your head to the floor.
  • Try to maintain level hips to protect the lower back.
  • If you want to go a step further, you can lift your left arm and reach out to the sky.
  • To release, bring your left palm back to the initial position on the floor followed by the right hand.
  • Sit back briefly in Child’s pose to neutralize the spine.
  • Repeat these steps on the other side.

6. Seated Spinal Twist Pose


  • Sit on your heels with your back straight.
  • Sit your butt to the left keeping your knees bent so you are seated on the mat just to the left of your feet.
  • Raise your left knee up so your right foot is flat on the floor and slide it to the outside of your left knee.
  • Twist your torso to the right, placing your right palm down on the mat close behind your right hip.
  • Make sure you are not too far from your body as this will cause your back to bend. It should be erect always.
  • Raise your left arm straight up and lower the left arm so the elbow is on the outside of the right knee.
  • Turn as far as you can, avoiding any stress on your knees, spine, neck, and shoulders.
  • Hold this pose for at least five even breaths.
  • Release this position slowly and gradually come back to the initial position.
  • Repeat these steps using the other side.

Make sure you speak with your yoga instructor before beginning a fitness routine especially if you have existing spine and neck conditions. Always take the help of an instructor before practicing a pose by yourself. In case of any discomfort, inform the instructor immediately.