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8 Intense Yoga Poses For Seriously Ripped Abs

The core is the seat of strength in your body and the stronger your core, the better you can perform any physical activity. The...

10 Yoga Poses That Will Boost Your Libido

Along with all the other benefits, practicing yoga regularly can improve your sexual life. Certain yoga poses target your pelvic region, strengthen the muscles, especially those around the vagina, are great hip flexors, improve flexibility, open up the throat chakra, and improve your libido. They also improve your mood, help you relax, be confident and vocal about what you desire, and help you connect on a deeper level with your partner.

4 Highly Beneficial Yoga Asanas For Amateurs

“Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.”- The Bhagvad Gita Yoga belongs to everyone, and not just to the...
Everything You Need To Know About Anusara Yoga

Everything You Need To Know About Anusara Yoga

Anusara yoga focuses on reconnecting with the goodness inside you, goodness that every person is born with. Based on five principles of alignment, it involves postures that are in tune with the natural energy circuits within the body. Three prime focal points of energy within the body are activated as well. Anusara yoga is bound to lift your spirits and make you feel good about yourself.

The Many Benefits Of Triangle Pose Or Trikonasana

The Sanskrit name of the triangle pose is trikonasana. Trikon means triangles and asana, as you may already know, means pose or posture. The...
Yoga Poses To Enhance Your Sexual Energy

5 Yoga Poses To Enhance Your Sexual Energy

With the right moves, yoga can help your sexual energy flourish. Do poses that strengthen and stretch the pelvis. For beginners, the seated and standing forward bends are easy. You can also open up the hips with the reclining bound angle pose and garland pose. To stretch your entire body, try the pigeon pose. Don't forget about inhaling and exhaling completely. It'll boost circulation – a vital factor of sexual energy.
Poses That Prove It's Possible To Do Yoga In Bed

7 Poses That Prove It’s Possible To Do Yoga In Bed

Doing yoga is surprisingly easy in a bed. Dealing with back pain? Try a reclining spinal twist, knee-to-chest back stretch, or cobra pose. You can also do hip openers like the butterfly. If you feel tense, loosen up with a playful happy baby pose. Child's pose and corpse pose are awesome for relaxation. These moves can work for both morning and night, so don't limit yourself. It's the best way to move in and out of bed.

9 Simple And Powerful Yoga Poses For Arthritis Relief

Yoga is a proven form of exercise that can help people with arthritis to improve many physical and psychological symptoms. Yoga is prescribed by practitioners as one of the best and most natural methods to beat joint pain, stiffness, and discomfort. Recent scientific studies involving people with various types of arthritis show that regular yoga practice helps reduce joint pain and improve joint flexibility and function.

13 Etiquette You Must Follow While Practicing Yoga

Yoga is practiced by millions across the globe but very few know the basic etiquettes that needs to be followed at yoga class. Basic yoga etiquettes that must be followed for a fulfilling yoga class are being punctual, maintaining personal hygiene, wearing appropriate yoga clothes, not bringing the cell phone into the class and respecting the instructor.
yoga poses for anxiety and stress relief

8 Yoga Poses To Relieve Your Anxiety And Stress

Yoga is essential for the overall health of the human body. Studies have proven that deep breathing techniques like pranayama and yoga poses like the easy pose, cat-cow pose and much more can help us handle anxiety and stress better. Simple yoga poses when practiced daily can bring about a lasting positice change in our mental and physical well-being.

Benefits Of The Tree Pose In Yoga (Vrikshasana) And How To Master It

Vrikshasana or tree pose is a powerful yoga pose that trains your body to attain balance while toning your leg muscles. Practicing this pose on a regular basis will not only help strengthen your spine and your tone your legs, but also helps you calm down and stay grounded. Although the tree pose has plenty of health benefits, it’s not for those who suffer from migraines, insomnia, hip and knee injuries.

5 Yoga Poses To Ease Neck Tension Caused By Slouching

Whether you sit at a desk all day or are running around doing chores, your neck gets strained without even you realizing it. At...
Yoga Moves To Get Rid Of Hunchback Or Kyphosis

5 Yoga Moves To Get Rid Of Hunchback Or Kyphosis

With the power of yoga, you can reverse a hunchback. Downward facing dog will strengthen the back muscles that supports the spine. You can also do cobra and cat-cow pose to stretch your upper back. In a chair, knee to ankle pose relieves hunchback-induced hip pain. End your routine with child's pose – a restorative position. Before doing any of these moves, consult a doctor or physical therapist. You might need to use a supportive sling.

8 Amazing Yoga Poses For Older Beginners

Yoga can strengthen you from outside and within, no matter how old you are. Seniors can begin doing yoga with poses like the triangle pose, butterfly pose, child pose, and cobra pose. Also, styles like locust pose, wind-relieving pose, tree pose, and bridge pose can help relieve you from back pain and digestive related issues.

10 Yoga Poses That Can Help Treat Thyroid Problems

Thyroid is an important gland that helps create hormone affecting body's metabolism. Thyroid related problems may lead to anxiety, mood swings, and depression. Yoga poses like shishuasana, bhujangasan, halasana, ujjayi pranayam, and sarvangasana can keep your thyroid gland healthy.