
Jothi Mariyam Thomas


10 Things Successful People Do Right Before Bed

Here are ten things that successful people follow before their bedtime: reading books, disconnecting from work, no turning to social media or games on the cell phones/laptops, spending time with family, planning the things to do for the next day, writing down accomplishments, meditating, getting enough sleep, following a bedtime routine, and avoiding alcohol.

Nutritional Information And Benefits Of Sun-Dried Tomatoes

Tomatoes are nutritious but they can go bad if kept for too long in the refrigerator. An alternative method of using tomatoes while keeping the...

4 Reasons To Drink Baking Soda Water On An Empty Stomach

Mix a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and have this twice a day, preferably on an empty stomach. This solution can benefit your health by reducing heartburn and acid reflux symptoms, preventing urinary tract infections (UTIs), preventing kidney stones, and balancing your body's pH levels.

7 Reasons Why Cat’s Claw Is Good For Your Health

Cat's claw has been used for years to treat various diseases. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it is useful for treating osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Certain studies have also shown that it may relieve cancer symptoms, boost the immune system, and enhance the process of DNA repair. It can be used to treat hypertension as it lowers blood pressure. Cat's claw can also be used to treat Lyme disease and other digestive disorders like gastric ulcers.

9 Home Remedies To Make Your Eyebrows Thicker Naturally

If you are losing hair from your eyebrows or have thin eyebrows, apply castor oil, coconut oil, and olive oil. All of these penetrate the hair and lock in moisture. The latter two also enhance blood circulation and provide vitamin E, essential for hair growth. Onion juice can have significant effect, especially if you have alopecia areata. You could even apply ground fenugreek seed or aloe vera gel.

Signs And Symptoms Of Acute And Chronic Hamstring Injuries

Hamstring injuries are categorized into three grades depending on the severity of the injury: grade 1, grade2, and grade 3 strain. Hamstring injuries generally affect the muscles, knee, and tendons. The common symptoms include sharp pain, swelling, tenderness, painful knee movements, discomfort while sitting, difficulty in balancing your weight, and limping. In chronic injuries, you will feel pain while sitting, running, and bending. Avoid strenuous activities if you have a hamstring injury as it can worsen them.

Green Therapy: Reconnecting With Nature For A Better Living

Green therapy or nature therapy can benefit both your health and well-being. The tasks in green therapy are usually conducted in groups. It encourages physical activities, increases social involvement, adds social value. The health benefits include the elimination of negative thoughts or rumination, a decrease in ADHD symptoms, and relief from stress, anxiety, and depression.

7 Facial Exercises For Sagging Jowls And Other Skin Problems

Jowls, double chin, sagging skin, turkey neck, wrinkles are a few signs that show prominently on your face and neck. Facial exercises help reduce these signs naturally. These exercises include jowl tightener, jowl and neck tightener, neck lifter, double chin chopper, cheek lift, tongue lifts for double chin and turkey neck. Practice these exercises daily and grow old gracefully.

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