
Jothi Mariyam Thomas


6 Dairy Foods That Are Naturally Low in Lactose

If you are sensitive to lactose, butter and hard cheese like Parmesan, Swiss, and cheddar cheese are safe to use as they have low lactose content. Other low-lactose dairy foods include probiotic yogurt, kefir, and heavy cream. If you are an athlete looking for building muscles, whey isolate protein powder may be the best choice.

Is Raw Food Healthier Than Cooked Food?

It is not always true that cooked food has lower nutrition than fresh produce. For instance, tomatoes provide better health benefits when cooked than when eaten raw. Possible side effects of cooking include a destruction in food enzymes and a loss in essential nutrients. However, cooking food improves digestion, increases antioxidants in some vegetables, and kills bacteria that may cause food-borne illnesses. A healthy diet should have a balance of both raw and cooked foods.

A Healthy Heart In Your Middle Age Can Help You Live Longer

Studies suggest that those with a good cardiovascular health can help you live about 4 years longer than those who have a relatively bad heart health. You can keep your heart healthy by keeping these tips in mind: stop smoking and alcohol, stay active, manage your weight, eat more fiber-rich foods, reduce your cholesterol levels, cut down on your salt intake, eat fish, and read your food labels.

8 Foods To Eat When You Have Gastritis

The foods you eat and changes in lifestyle can help reduce the symptoms of gastritis. Oily fish like salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids which have anti-inflammatory property. Similarly, whole grains like oats, fruits like apples, ginger, and garlic have anti-inflammatory properties and can reduce stomach inflammation. Yogurt contains probiotics that protect the lining of the stomach. Peppermint can reduce symptoms of gastritis like nausea, indigestion, and heartburn. Lifestyle changes include avoiding cigarettes and alcohol, eating healthy proteins, eliminating spicy and fried foods, and sleeping enough hours.

12 Weird Things That Can Make You Anxious

You can blame your anxiety issues on these 12 weird factors: coffee, alcohol, medications, low blood sugars, unhealthy eating habits, your body's water intake, messy environments, too much involvement in social media, physical inactivity, exposure to impure air, unsafe neighborhoods, and intense tummy troubles.

7 Steps You Can Take Right Now To Prevent Early Menopause

Experiencing early menopause can be overwhelming. Exercising regularly regulates your hormones and helps maintain a healthy weight. Alcohol and cigarettes are early menopause triggers, so avoid them. Maintaining your weight is essential; being overweight or underweight can trigger early menopause. Managing your bone strength and blood pressure is also important to reduce perimenopausal symptoms. Avoid exposure to environmental toxins found in makeup and other products.

Is Eating Before Bed A Good Habit Or A Bad One?

How good or bad the habit of eating before bed is depends on the individual and what they've eaten. In some people, bedtime snacks may promote weight gain, aggravate acid reflux symptoms, and create unhealthy eating habits. In others, it may prevent midnight cravings, provide better sleep, and stabilize blood sugar levels.

Foods That Help Boost Your Brain Health

Blueberries improve learning capacity and motor skills. Cherries are rich in anthocyanins and improve blood flow to the brain. Avocados prevent blood clots in the brain as well as improve cognitive functions, especially concentration and memory. Spinach qualifies as a brain food because it contains antioxidants and phytochemicals that help improve blood flow. Flax seeds are essential for brain development, function, and concentration. Dark chocolate can help in improving blood flow to the brain.

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