
Emma Olliff

Emma is a qualified Nutritional Therapist (DipNT CNM) and is registered with BANT (British Association for Nutritional Therapy) and CMA (Complimentary Medical Association). She is passionate about helping her clients achieve optimum health through diet and lifestyle.

Choose Food Instead of Medicine

Food First! Imagine a food, and not a medicine that is powerful enough to help you lower your cholesterol or reduce your risk of heart...

Eat Your Way to A Good Nights Sleep…

It’s something that should be as easy as breathing, but more and more of us are finding sleep to be a big problem. So...

Beat Colds and Flu Naturally

Winter is well and truly upon us in here Northern Hemisphere. People are sniffing, coughing, spluttering and sneezing everywhere you go.  A cold every...

Top 6 Foods To Aid Concentration

Here are my top 6 foods that will help improve your concentration. 1. Any foods high in omega 3, such as oily fish (salmon, trout,...

Six Black Super Foods you should know

You are used to hearing how good green foods are for you.  But now when it comes to ‘superfoods’, black is most definitely the...

Black Pepper. A Super Food?

Black pepper is a commonly used spice with a pinch being added to most savoury recipes. It was once used as currency and presented to...

3 Most Popular Diets That Work

Mediterranean Diet: Reduces the risk of heart disease, includes low-fat foods and includes a lot of olive oil and fish. Clean and Lean Diet: Replace alcohol, wheat and sweets with lean meat, nuts, berries and green tea. 5:2 Diet: Feast for 5 days and starve for 2 days. The starving part has several benefits such as increasing life span and reducing heart disease risk.

5 Top Tips to Help you get through the Festive Season without piling on the pounds

The festive season is upon us, and the holidays are almost here. Decorations are (probably) up, the weather is most definitely colder, and the...

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