
Anusha Bhat


How You Can Treat Blocked Sweat Glands At Home

Blocked sweat glands is a chronic condition that causes inflamed boils to erupt on the surface of the skin, especially on the buttocks, neck, armpits and groin. The boils are painful and difficult to manage. However, by altering your lifestyle, and bringing about a few changes to your diet, you can easily deal with the condition.

Is Your Deodorant Toxic? Try These 5 Organic Alternatives!

The deodorants that we use on a daily basis contain toxic chemicals. The toxins could cause skin irritation and imbalance the pH levels. Instead, opt for natural alternatives, such as baking soda, lemon juice, and coconut oil. They are organic, safe, inexpensive, and efficiently fight body odor!

6 Foods That Relieve Knee Pain

Knee pain can not only hinder our day-to-day activities, but can also lead to several other complications, such as osteoarthritis. Get relief from the pain by altering your diet to include food that is rich in vitamins and antioxidants. Spinach, ginger, non-fat milk, fish and leafy vegetables are certain foods that you must eat to lessen knee pain.

How You Can Eat Bread When You’re Trying To Lose Weight

Bread is a fast-digesting food that could make you feel hungry, even if your body does not require more food. However, by following these tips and tricks, you can eat bread in a healthier way, without worrying about gaining weight. Whole grain bread, fermented bread, and organic bread are some of the breads that will not add up extra pounds.

How To Prevent And Treat Gout At Home

Gout can cause inflammation, redness, swelling and intense pain, especially in the big toe. In order to prevent and treat gout, it is important to include food, such as celery, cherries, juniper, and bananas in your diet. Avoiding alcohol and seafood can also go a long way in preventing gout. If you live in an area with cold climate, remember to keep your feet warm and dry.

7 DIY Turmeric Remedies For Permanent Hair Removal

Removing unwanted body hair can be an expensive and painful process. These turmeric remedies for hair removal are organic, easy-to-prepare, and are pain-free. When used over time, turmeric can slow down the hair growth process, eventually stopping it completely. Here are 7 turmeric remedies that you can make and use from the comfort of your home!

5 Simple Leg-Strengthening Yoga Poses

Yoga poses are the most sought after when you want both a more flexible body and inner strength. Leg strengthening is possible through yoga, and poses such as the warrior, extended side angle, and the chair pose are excellent for building strength in the thighs, shins, and calf muscles respectively. Moreover, these poses can be done by beginners, as they are comfortable and involve no excess strain.

9 Foods That Can Be Eaten In Any Quantity!

Everybody faces hunger pangs once in a while, but instead of indulging in unhealthy snacks, you can opt for nutritious foods that you can eat in large quantities. Broccoli, cucumbers, oranges, strawberries are some of the edibles that are low-fat and beneficial to the body. Find out what other food you can eat guilt-free, without compromising on your diet!

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