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5 Benefits Of Cinnamon

1. Weight Reducer Cinnamon apparently has the effect of thinning your blood thereby increasing blood circulation. Increased blood flow generally boosts your metabolism which is...

22 Amazing Preventive, Curative and Healing Powers of Eggplant

Eggplant, also known as aubergine or brinjal, is botanically named Solanum melongena and is a member of the nightshade, or Solanaceae family, which also...

Stay Young With Ayurveda: A Guide To Prevent Premature Aging

Celebrate just being young! Are you bothered about early signs of aging These may include early graying of hair, dry and wrinkled skin, dark circles below the eyes, flabby skin etc. Blame it on food adulteration, modernized sedentary lifestyles or even environmental impinge. The signs of aging have become obvious and deluding! Stay Young with Ayurveda!

How Ayurveda Can Help Support A New Mother’s Needs

A mother feels exhausted, depleted, and tired after childbirth. Ayurveda recommends 6 weeks rest after a child birth. Prolonged discomfort, depression, and lack of recovery can cause fatigue, stress, hemorrhoids, irritability, depression and digestive problems resulting in chronic health problems later. Healthy fresh cooked meals, clean and positive environment, a good warm oil massage, and belly wrapping to restore organs and muscles can help a new mother.

Arthritis Home Care – Helpful Hints & Tips

Arthritis is a chronic disease, and people who suffer with some form of it have to make many adjustments to their lifestyle, in order...

Inflammation and Chronic Disease – Top 10 Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Heart disease and cancer are the deadly manifestation of chronic inflammation and are the leading causes of death in developed countries. Get enough sleep, eat anti-inflammatory foods, reduce alcohol consumption, and quit smoking to control inflammation level. Anti-inflammatory food includes papaya, avocados, cranberries, red cabbage, walnuts, turmeric, and celery.

Cholesterol Syndrome: Myths and Facts

Alternative medicine has taught for years, that cholesterol is the fireman at the fire – but cholesterol DOES NOT cause the fire.   Alternative medicine...

Anti Obesity Day: Herbs for Weight Loss

A few herbs help improve metabolism and suppress hunger. They are: Gallium aperine - clears toxins, Garcinia cambogia - natural appetite suppressant and a weight loss supplement, Taraxacum officinalis - stimulates the digestive system and liver, Curcuma Longa - stimulated the flow of bile by breaking down dietary fat.

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