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The organic wastes that you throw away are actually good for you

Consume These 6 Food Parts Instead Of Throwing Them

The next time you throw the banana peel or trash the watermelon rinds, give a second thought. Some of the vegetable peels, stem and leaves are more nutritious than their fleshy counterparts. The green leaves of the root vegetables like carrots, radishes, beets and the stalks of cruciferous veggies like broccoli have incredible benefits. Lemon pith is exceptionally high in vitamin C, contains vitamin B6, and fiber. And an apple’s skin contains anti-cancer properties like polyphenols as well as pectin, which is known for its ability to lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Banana skin contains high amounts of vitamin B6 and B12, as well as fiber and protein and magnesium and potassium.

5 Steps To Making The Yummiest Veggie Burger

Vegetable burgers rely a lot on the quality of patties, buns and the filling used. It's best to opt for freshly-baked ones that have a pillowy texture and crunch to it. While making patties, remember to add oil and a binder to keep them moist and in shape. Yet another way to get the yummiest veggie burger is to bake the patties and then grill it on both sides. This will enhance its flavors greatly.

7 Ways To Include More Healthy Carbs In Your Diet

Carbohydrates get a bad reputation and a blanket ban in weight loss, but the carbs you should be avoiding are the processed versions. Whole carbs and complex variants are actually good for us. Mangos and chickpeas are the uncrowned champions of healthy carb consumption. Whole grains are always an ideal choice. Quinoa and popcorn are an excellent low-calorie option. Sweet potations are an unconventional alternative, as are a few servings of almonds.
natural remedies to heal wounds

7 Natural Home Remedies To Heal Wounds

Unless you have yourself with a sharp object which has lead to a deep cut, natural home remedies can be used to heal the wounds. Honey, potato, coconut oil, aloe vera, tea tree oil, and turmeric can be used to speed up the healing process. They have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and analgesic properties that help to reduce pain, swelling and also promote the regeneration of skin cells.
busting food myths

5 Silly Food And Nutrition Myths Debunked

Contrary to the popular myth, eating carrots cannot ensure you perfect eyesight and in fact, too much of beta-carotene can increase the risk of cancer if you are a smoker. Microwaving food is a good way to preserve various water-soluble and heat soluble nutrients in food when compared to conventional cooking. There are so many myths that exist about food and nutrition and it's important that we know them.

Alkaline Foods That Fight Chronic Disease And Inflammation

Alkaline foods prevent chronic conditions like type 2 diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. Yet, the Western diet is highly acidic, which increases the risk. Protect yourself by eating more fresh fruit and veggies, two alkaline food groups. Berries, lemons, oranges, bananas, and stonefruits are high in antioxidants, along with leafy greens and tomatoes. Nuts like almonds and peanuts and tuber and root plants like sweet potato, ginger, and turmeric also count as alkaline foods.

11 Shockingly Low-Calorie Foods

Having one of those where you feel like eating something or the other to curb your hunger pangs? Low-calorie foods can be your best bet to helping you feel full while still contributing positively to your weight loss program. Including foods like radish, cabbage, mushrooms, spinach leaves, and bell peppers that are extremely low in calories in your diet can go a long way in helping you lose weight effectively and staying in your best shape.
Sweet potatoes can sweeten your diabetic diet

5 Hidden Reasons Why Sweet Potatoes Are Good For Diabetics

You are probably unable to eat anything sweet due to your insulin levels. If you're a diabetic, sweet potatoes can be your best bet for a food choice as they're high in fiber and have a low glycemic index. Besides helping you control your blood sugar levels, sweet potatoes are known to boost your digestion, are good for your heart, and can even bring down your risk of cancer.

Try These 7 Foods For Great Healthy Skin

Our need for healthy skin is mostly to look good. For skin to look healthy, it has to be healthy on the inside. And what better way to develop healthy skin than through food? Adequate hydration is the first step, followed by the consumption of sweet potatoes, tomatoes, and berries for their antioxidant potential. Broccoli, a wonder vegetable, has the ability to prevent skin cancer. Healthy fats obtained from food sources can keep your skin feeling young and supple for longer.
Are You Storing And Heating Your Leftovers The Right Way?

5 Things To Keep In Mind When It Comes To Leftovers

Microwaves have made all of our lives tremendously easier. We now have the convenience of reheating leftover food in just a few minutes. Our...
Use Mint Leaves To Erase Your Dark Circles

6 Ways To Use Mint Leaves To Erase Your Dark Circles

Big, dark circles under your eyes are telltale signs of stress and very little sleep. No one wants dark circles because it can make...
Beetroots provide multiple health benefits when eaten regularly

7 Amazing Reasons Why You Should Eat Beets Regularly

Love it or hate it, beets are a necessary addition to everyone's diet. It is an excellent source of folic acid for pregnant women. Anthocyanins in beets are powerful antioxidants. Beets are also rich in vitamins A and C and have good anti-inflammatory properties, almost comparable to medication. They also improve exercise performance and are a good pre-workout snack when eaten raw.
give you the energy you need

11 Carbs That Can Actually Help Uncover Those Hidden Abs

Getting those abs to show is a tricky business. It's not enough to just work your ab muscles, you also need to reduce your...
Foods that cause cancer.

7 Cancer-Causing Foods That You Should Avoid

Every serving of red or processed meat increases cancer risk by up to 16 percent. Fried potatoes, like French fries and potato chips, are especially harmful. Other foods that bring on cancer include foods with added sugars, soda, fried potatoes, and refined white flour products. To reduce the risk for cancer, reach for fruits, vegetables, whole grains, flaxseed, and seafood.

7 Fruits And Vegetables That Dont Spoil Too Fast

Not all of us have access to fresh fruits and vegetables. Most of us store them for quite some time and then use them. It would be easier if we know which of them stay longer and which rot quickly, and the ideal conditions to store them. This will help us prevent food wastage to a great extent. Root vegetables do well when their green stems are cut off. Leafy greens need aeration even in a refrigerator. When it comes to apples, the smaller they are, the longer they last.