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5 Yoga Poses For Runners To Prevent Injuries

Yoga Poses For Runners

Running isn’t just about speed. Doing yoga alongside running conditions your muscles, limiting the chance of running injuries. Stretching also makes your muscles strong enough to handle the repeated movement of running.

If you’re a runner, you can personalize your practice by doing yoga moves that benefit runners. These moves are simple and can be part of your daily warm up. To get started, check out these five yoga poses for runners.


1. Downward-Facing Dog

Downward-facing dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) is one of the best yoga poses for runners. It strengthens your calves and hamstrings, giving you support when you run. However, many yoga flows include it because it’s a full body stretch.


Breaths: 5

2. Head-To-Knee Pose


Another yoga pose for runners is the head-to-knee pose (Janu Sirsasana). It stretches the hamstrings, which can become tight if they aren’t worked on. The pose also prevents pain from frequent running.

Breaths: 5 to 10 each side


3. Bound Angle Pose

Yoga for runners should include hip opening stretches like the bound angle pose (Baddha Konasana). It helps swift movement without aches and pains. Thigh muscles also become much stronger.


Breaths: 5 to 10

4. Pigeon Pose


Like the bound angle pose, the pigeon pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana) opens up your hips and they’ll be able to provide support when you run. Your back will also become straight, therefore, helping your running posture.

Breaths: 5 to 10 each side


5. Bridge Pose

The bridge pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana) – also known as the half wheel – reinforces your back while enhancing spine mobility and improving posture. It is a good yoga stretch for runners.

Breaths: 5 to 7

By doing yoga for runners, you’ll get the most out of your practice. Don’t forget to modify moves to fit your comfort level, and don’t force the moves if they cause pain.

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