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6 Reasons Why Antidepressants Don’t Always Work

Acknowledging and accepting one has depression is a major step toward recovery. And following that, plucking up one’s courage to take medications is another big step that a person takes in his or her road to recovery. But since there is a lot stigma attached to depression and taking medications, there is a lot of ignorance that still exists regarding this. People often take uninformed decisions when it comes to antidepressants. This is the reason why people often find themselves with a lot of queries when those medications don’t work sometimes. So, people need to know more about antidepressants and their limitations so that they are not dumbfounded in case their medications fail to work for them. Here are six reasons why medications don’t work for some people.

1. Medications Come With Limitations



According to many psychiatrists, we still lack a complete understanding of the pharmacology of antidepressants. We know the effects it can have on people with depression but we still don’t know what are the reasons behind their failing effects. Psychiatrists believe that the reasons behind a person’s relapse can play a role in this. According to studies, medications fail to provide relief to almost one-third of all people who resort to medications. This might come as a shocker to many but medicines aren’t the only option people have for finding relief from depression. There are many other available things that people can do to overcome the symptoms of depression.

2. Science Is Evolving To Find More


One of the reasons why medications don’t work for some people is because some have different problems and medications aren’t sophisticated enough to tackle their problems. But science is evolving and researches are happening continuously to upgrade their formulations. Sometimes, it is not the fault of the people or their habits why medications don’t work.

3. Diagnosis Can Be Wrong


Human psychology and mental health is a matter that varies with people. So, there are lots of time when people have symptoms resembling depression but might be having a completely different condition. Bipolar disorder and personality disorder are some of the conditions that show a diverse array of symptoms and some of those symptoms can resemble the symptoms of depression. So, a therapist needs to be completely sure about the diagnosis before prescribing medicines. Wrong diagnosis will not help in treating a condition. So, make sure your therapist is a qualified individual capable of handling the task at hand.

4. Developed Tolerance To Medications


Our brains are super organs that can change itself. So, there are times when our brains develop a tolerance towards the prescribed medications that previously worked fine. This condition is called as antidepressant tachyphylaxis. Antidepressants are formulated to trigger an elevation in serotonin levels to alleviate the symptoms of depression. But, sometimes our bodies can get used to certain medicines and develop a tolerance towards their formulations which can render them less effective. In this scenario, changing the medication might work for some people. And sometimes increasing the dosage have also been found to be effective.

5. Sleep Enough


People are more prone to having physical and mental problems when they don’t get enough sleep. So, it is important to make sure that you are getting enough sleep before you start your antidepressant medication. Lack of sleep can cause irritability and mood swings. And these are not good for mental health. So, getting enough sleep is important for people who are taking antidepressant medications.

6. Psychotherapy Can Be Just As Effective


Medication is often thought of as the last resort when it comes to depression but that is not true. Psychotherapy can be just as effective in treating depression as medications. So, it is important for people to consider and seek out other remedies in case their medications don’t work for them.

Depression is a serious mental condition that affects a lot of people. But it is completely treatable. So, it is important for people to know about their options and seek them out to get better without losing hope.

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