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Bokwa: What Is It And How It Can Help You Get In Shape

Bokwa: What Is It And How It Can Help You Get In Shape

Move over Zumba. There’s a new dance class in town. Bokwa fitness is a style of aerobics that combines South African music and hip-hop dance. It was invented by Paul Mavi, a fitness instructor in Los Angeles.

So, what makes Bokwa so special? It’s a type of dance that even non-dancers can do. Bokwa is about simplicity. The moves are based on the forms of letters and numbers, so you don’t need to count any steps.


The lack of choreography makes it easy for anyone to do. You don’t need to be a professional dancer or good at dancing. Bokwa is easy to modify and personalize.

As an energizing workout, bokwa can transform your health. Here are five ways it will help you get into the best shape of your life.


1. Burns Calories

As a type of aerobic dance, bokwa counts as a high-intensity exercise.1 The moves are fast, fierce, and fun! In just 30 minutes, a 155-pound person can burn about 223 calories.2


Over time, your body will use up tons of energy and “burn” calories. This is a great way to lose weight and keep it off.3

2. Increases Muscle Strength


Building muscle is typically associated with lifting weights. But did you know that dancing can strengthen your muscles, too? It uses your own body as a weight, helping tone and toughen the muscle groups involved.4

Bokwa fitness lets you choose which muscles to work. It’s OK – and encouraged – to add extra flair to each step. Small add-ons, like punching the air, will bulk up your muscles.


3. Helps Heart And Lungs

Aerobic exercise like bokwa is amazing for heart health. In order to keep up, your heart has to work extra hard to pump blood. This is exactly how it becomes stronger and better.5


Additional benefits include increased lung capacity. The more you move, the more your body uses oxygen. It forces your lungs to build a bigger breathing reserve, making it easier to breathe during exercise and everyday activities.6

4. Strengthens Bones


The vigorous nature of bokwa makes it an excellent workout for bone health.7 Your own body acts as a weight, which makes your muscle pull on the bones. This will build up bone density and improve overall bone strength.8

5. Suppresses Appetite

Bokwa can even suppress your appetite. In turn, you’ll be able to reduce your energy intake and lose weight. This benefit is a result of the high-intensity nature of each move.

According to the journal Appetite, high-intensity interval training increases levels of the hormone peptide YY. This hormone is linked to appetite suppression, making it a useful component of weight loss.9

In Bokwa, each letter and number is a high-intensity interval exercise. The outcome is a greater chance of appetite reduction, especially, when compared to moderate-intensity workouts.

Bokwa fitness is becoming more and more popular. Check with your local gym to see if they offer classes. If not, surf the Internet for free online training.


1 Moderate to Vigorous – What is your level of intensity? American Heart Association.
2 Calories burned in 30 minutes for people of three different weights. Harvard Health Publications, Harvard Medical School.
3 Physical Activity for a Healthy Weight. Centers for Disease Control.
4 Dance – health benefits. BetterHealth Channel.
5 Aerobic Exercise. MedlinePlus.
6 Your lungs and exercise. European Lung Foundation.
7 Aerobic, Muscle- and Bone-Strengthening: What Counts? Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
8 Exercise, lifestyle, and your bones. MedlinePlus.
9 Bailey, Daniel P., Lindsey R. Smith, Bryna C. Chrismas, Lee Taylor, David J. Stensel, Kevin Deighton, Jessica A. Douglas, and Catherine J. Kerr. “Appetite and gut hormone responses to moderate-intensity continuous exercise versus high-intensity interval exercise, in normoxic and hypoxic conditions.” Appetite 89 (2015): 237-245.
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