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4 Proven Techniques To Get Rid Of Change Related Anxiety

Change is the only constant in this transient world. But we often forget that in life. We sometimes become so used to the stability of our routines that we often forget that an inevitable change can come at any moment. It can leave you frustrated when you thought that you finally had your life sorted with all your relationships in great place, landing a job of dreams, and then suddenly life throws you a curve ball. Sometimes, life can catch you off guard. A sudden demise of a loved one, a break up with a long term partner, losing a job that meant a lot; all of these are bound to leave behind some scars. It is a common saying that we need to hold on to your best selves when the going gets tough. But it is way easier said than done. In the moments of tragedy, good advice don’t really come in handy, but rather good practices do. There are some practices that can help us to retain our calm and senses when a tragedy strikes. These practices are body based which can help us to be flexible when a storm comes and would protect us from snapping like an old twig. Some of these practices have been listed below.

1. Practice Mindfulness Meditation


When an undesirable change comes knocking, it is very normal for people to lose it. Sometimes, change can overwhelm people to an extent of hyperarousal. Hyperarousal is a state that comes after the neural tolerance has been surpassed. In this state, people can’t really act or think clearly. Well, this happens because people stress themselves too much by thinking about the uncertainties that lie ahead in the future. Thinking constantly about the future can increase anxiety. That is why there is a need of ‘mindfulness meditation’. Mindfulness meditation can help us to develop focused awareness of the present. This has been found helpful in combating anxiety. Instead of thinking about the uncertain future, one can bring the focus to the input of raw data in our bodies. And one can relax herself or himself by consciously focusing on them. Breathing, buzzing heartbeat and even the pulse can function as inputs that you can use to calm yourself down.

2. Feel Grounded


Stress can often give us many sensations. And feeling pulled away from the ground is just one of them. People who are stressed often clench their thighs, ankles and feet like they don’t want to feel the ground anymore. Stress can literally make you feel like there is no ground beneath your feet. So, it is important to feel literally grounded to bring oneself closer to the reality and not lose oneself to worries. You can visualize a tree with roots growing deep inside the earth. You can also walk bare feet on the ground to feel the earth underneath your feet. This will help you to restore your lost sensations and ground you to the reality of the moment.

3. Breathe Your Stress Out


Breathing has been closely related to our ability to relax. Breathing can really help our bodies to relax when it is under stress. So, when you feel like you are stressed, breath in and fill your lungs up completely. And now exhale to completely empty your lungs. This will help in relaxing your muscles and releasing the stress out of your body. Also, focus inward while you are breathing to gain more awareness.

4. Find Your Balance


When bad times hit us, we often lose our balance in life. Our brains are responsible for maintaining our balance, be it physical or mental. Interestingly, our brains use the same technique to tackle both. So, stand on one foot and try to find your balance. This will increase you core strength and ability to handle stress in life.

Life can sometimes give us really hard times. But we can prepare ourselves for the worst by inculcating habits in your lives that can strengthen us physically as well as mentally.

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