The Many Benefits Of Triangle Pose Or Trikonasana

The Sanskrit name of the triangle pose is trikonasana. Trikon means triangles and asana, as you may already know, means pose or posture. The extended triangle pose can bring stability, strength, and stamina. It is also good for strengthening the core and legs.

Trikonasana does not need any props and can be practiced along with other yoga poses or as part of your warm-up routine. It is great for people who sit at desks for long periods of time. This asana increases blood circulation and helps in eliminating stress from the back and neck. It also loosens your joints and works on your spine.

1. How To Do The Triangle Pose

  1. Begin standing at the top of your mat with your feet hip-distance apart and your arms at your sides. Begin to pay attention to your breath. Breathe softly and fully.
  2. Step your feet wide apart, about 4 to 5 feet. Check to ensure that your heels are aligned with each other.
  3. Turn your right foot out 90 degrees so your toes are pointing to the top of the mat. The center of your right knee cap should be aligned with the center of your right ankle.
  4. Lift through the arches of your feet, while rooting down through your ankles. Raise your arms to the side to shoulder height, so they’re parallel to the floor.
  5. Your arms should be aligned directly over your legs. With your palms facing down, reach actively from fingertip to fingertip.
  6. On an exhalation, reach through your right hand in the same direction as your right foot is pointed. Shift your left hip back so your tailbone and pelvis tilt toward the wall or space behind your left foot.
  7. Fold at your right hip. Keep your right ear, shoulder, and knee on the same plane — do not let your torso drop forward. Turn your left palm forward, with your fingertips reaching toward the sky.
  8. Rest your right hand on your outer shin or ankle. If you are more flexible, place your right fingertips or palm on the floor to the outside of your right shin. You can also place your hand on a block.
  9. Align your shoulders so your left shoulder is directly above your right shoulder. Gently turn your head to gaze at your left thumb. Hold the pose for up to one minute.
  10. To release, inhale and press firmly through your left heel as you lift your torso. Lower your arms. Turn to the left, reversing the position of your feet, and repeat for the same length of time on the opposite side.

2. Breathing In Triangle Pose

Your breath is the center of your yoga practice. The triangle pose needs to be practiced with proper breathing. Inhale while taking your hand upward and exhale while bringing it to the middle. Same procedure has to be followed with the other side. It is recommended that you do at least three to five rounds of the asana.

3. Health Benefits Of Triangle Pose

This asana is a great fat burner and can, therefore, be used to shed those extra pounds. Practicing trikonasana also has many other benefits:

  1. Trikonasana is great for backache because it engages your lower back muscles
  2. Triangle pose helps to strengthen your legs, knees and ankles because of the stretch
  3. The triangle pose helps to open up your chest and shoulders
  4. It ensures mobility of hip joints and neck and give proper stretch to your spine
  5. It strengthens the muscles in the thighs, hips and back
  6. The pose also stimulates abdominal organs and improves digestion

4. Precautions

This asana shouldn’t be performed if you have severe back pain or are suffering from a migraine.

It should be avoided if you have diarrhea, high blood pressure, and neck/back injuries.

Do not take the support of your knee while you bend to your side, as it exerts excess pressure on your knee which could lead to knee problems.

If you have neck problems, instead of gazing at your thumb, gaze straight or look down to the floor.

5. Triangle Pose Variations

The triangle pose mentioned above is called the extended triangle pose or Utthita Trikonasana. Once you are comfortable with it, you could also try the variations mentioned below:

  1. Bound Triangle pose (Baddha Trikonasana)
  2. Revolved Triangle Pose (Parivrtta Trikonasana)
  3. Reclining triangle pose (Supta Trikonasana)