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Are You Raising A Narcissist Or A Child With High Self-Esteem?

Parents have the hardest job in the world. They are responsible for raising generations of people who would run the world. As the world...

7 Office-Space Tweaks That Will Make You More Productive

A large part of our population works in enclosed spaces. Office spaces can sometimes become suffocating for people and it can hamper their productivity....
Caring For Your Skin The Right Way Can Make All The Difference

8 Tips To Help Care For Acne-Prone Skin

Acne is a skin condition that is characterized by the presence of pimples, blackheads, and bumps on the skin which occur as a result...

Do Your Emotions Affect The Way You Smell?

When we meet a person for the first time, it takes a bit of time for us to know that person. Humans often use...

7 Ways To Mentally Detox In 5 Minutes

Before starting the day, take 5 minutes to detox your mind. Head outside and get a breath of fresh air. Meditate and stretch to ease stress, anxiety, and tension. Avoid getting lost on your phone and let the morning unfold naturally. To improve mindfulness and awareness, practice gratitude by writing down what you are thankful for. It’ll also help to drink water and eat a nutritious breakfast to support mental health.

Does Your Overall Well-Being Depend On Your Gut Health?

Your gut largely consists of the gastrointestinal tract and the gut microbial population. A healthy gut supports metabolism, boosts immunity, and enhances your overall sense of well-being. If the number of "bad" bacteria in your gut exceeds the number of good ones, you could be affected by weight gain, digestive disorders, chronic inflammatory diseases, and poor immunity.

6 Common Lies Parents Shouldn’t Tell Their Children

Parents always advise their children to tell the truth and steer clear from lies. That is a great advice for everyone. But a lot...

7 Ways To Make Your Pregnant Partner Feel Confident

An expectant mom goes through a lot of struggles during pregnancy. Sometimes, she might be overwhelmed with discomforts associated with pregnancy. Morning sickness, aches,...

Is Your Self-Consciousness Holding You Back?

Our lives give us plenty of opportunities to prove ourselves on a daily basis, be it in our professional lives or personal matters. Our...

7 Simple Stretches To Release Your Tight Hips

When you're in your 20s, you may not feel the need to stretch too much since your joints are still quite flexible and well...

Understanding Our Innate Tendencies Can Change Our Lives

Every individual is born with a dominant character. That dominant character lies dormant in us when we are young and as we grow older,...

5 Reasons Why You Need Vitamin D To Stay Healthy

Protecting your skin from excess sun exposure is as important as getting sufficient vitamin D from it. Vitamin D is essential for keeping your bones strong, preventing cancer, aiding weight loss, and protecting you from heart disease. Not getting enough sunlight can increase the risk of depression and negatively affect your overall health. 15-30 minutes of exposure to sunlight will help you get the required vitamin D. It can also be obtained from eggs, tuna, and mushrooms.

8 Ways Listening To Classical Music Can Benefit You

Alternative therapies that treat physical and mental health conditions are gaining popularity. Classical music is one such tool that can help people to overcome depression, pain, anxiety, and stress. Many studies have proven that even students and professionals have plenty to gain from listening to classical music. It improves your memory and productivity, besides helping you to relax and achieve better sleep. So, ensure that you get your daily dose of classical music.

5 Ways To Reinvigorate Your Love For Life

In this world of rat race, routine becomes a norm for most of us. And that sense of recurring routine can make us feel...

7 Reasons Why Sex Is Vital For Wellness

Sex offers more than just pleasure. Research indicates that it improves health. It increases testosterone levels and prevents muscle loss. Regular sex relieves chronic stress and boosts immunity. Additionally, ejaculating significantly reduces the risk of prostate cancer. Frequent sex is linked to improved memory and overall cognitive function. It also reduces cluster headaches. Furthermore, having sex frequently is believed to improve one's sense of wellbeing.