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Benefits Of Sarvangasana

Benefits Of Sarvangasana And Tips To Perform It Better

Sarvangasana is a core yoga pose. It's got plenty of benefits for your mind and body. It strengthens your limbs, improves flexibility, and reduces the risk of heart diseases. If you are just starting with this pose, you might find it difficult. But don't let that stop you. With regular practice, you would soon see the benefits of this amazing pose!

9 Reasons Why Excessive Yawning Is A Bad Sign

Constant yawning means that you’re not getting enough sleep. This will harm your immunity, appetite, and fertility while increasing your obesity risk. Poor sleep quality will also cause frequent yawning. Boredom or stress may also be the culprit. Serious conditions like stroke or hypothyroidism can make you yawn too much. It might also be a warning sign of Parkinson’s disease or a migraine attack.

8 Causes Of Eyebrow Loss You Should Know

Loss of eyebrows and eyelashes is medically termed as superciliary madarosis. Like all other hair on your body, eyebrows also have a shedding and...

3 Thyroid-Supporting Smoothie Recipes

In Hashimoto's, the immune system attacks the thyroid gland. To boost thyroid function, drink a smoothie made of 1 cup coconut milk, ½ cup frozen blueberries, a handful of spinach, ½ tsp cod liver oil, and a pinch of sea salt. The vit. D in cod liver oil prevents autoimmune attacks, while coconut milk provides good fats. It's also unlikely to set off any allergies or worsen your autoimmune condition. Sea salt helps resolve the adrenal gland issues linked with Hashimoto's, and some spinach now and then helps too.
Causes of forgetfulness

11 Common Causes Of Forgetfulness And How To Treat It

Forgetting things is a normal part of aging, but it may eventually turn into dementia. You’ll be even more at risk with chronic stress, alcoholism, smoking, depression, and sleep-deprivation. Multitasking and stress can also distract you, making it easy to forget words or names. Other health conditions like vitamin B12 deficiency and hypothyroidism make it hard to remember things, but proper management will improve it. Forgetfulness is a common side effect of some medication, too.

Dangers Of Using Cosmetics

Due to their abilities to promote flawless skin and perfectly sculpted look, cosmetics have become an irreplaceable part of women's lives. It is not...
Side Effects Of Almond Milk

7 Side Effects Of Almond Milk and Who Should Avoid It

Due to the presence of proteins, calcium, minerals, and vitamins almond milk has gained a lot of importance since ages. It is prepared by...

7 Natural Treatments For Hair Loss Due To Hypothyroidism

If hypothyroidism is the underlying cause of your hair loss, you will notice hair thinning across the scalp as well as in the outer edges of the eye brows. This is because the lack of thyroid hormones leads to quicker death of hair cells. Rev up your hormones with spices like ginger and turmeric. Avoid goiter-causing foods and processed foods. Get enough vits D and B12. Ayurveda suggests herbal remedies like ashwagandha and guggulu to treat thyroid problems.

10 Illnesses That Can Cause Extreme Fatigue

It’s normal to feel tired once in a while. Life can be get pretty crazy, after all. But if you’re always feeling bogged down,...
symptoms of thyroid disorder

The Silent Signs And Symptoms Of Thyroid Disorder You Need To Know

Thyroid disorders arise when the thyroid gland either overproduces (hyperthyroidism) or underproduces (hypothyroidism) the thyroid hormones. With hyperthyroidism, your symptoms will usually reflect an increased heart rate, sweating, and unexplained weight loss. In contrast, hypothyroidism signs include a sudden weight gain, hair loss, cold extremities.

10 Common Autoimmune Diseases

An autoimmune disease is caused when your own immune system produces antibodies that attack your healthy cells. The immune system view these healthy cells...

8 Causes of Hypothyroidism You Should Be Aware Of

Hypothyroidism, also known as underactive thyroid, is a condition where the thyroid gland does not create enough of a thyroid hormone called thyroxine. People...

4 Holistic Therapies For Weight Loss

The energy systems of the human body operate in harmony with the energy systems of the universe. Traditional methods of healing were based on...

Women: Understand Your Thyroid!

It is a butterfly-shaped gland located in your neck. If you place the index and middle fingers of your right and left hand about...

Thyroid Disorder: Signs And Treatment

Located above the Adam's apple, the thyroid gland produces thyroid hormone, that helps regulate body's metabolism, temperature, and heartbeat. Things can start to go wrong when your thyroid is either underactive or overactive. Signs you need to watch out for include - an unexplained weight loss or weight gain, sweating profusely or cold extremities, irregular periods.