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Tag: Stress

Massages And How They Relieve Stress

Massage therapy can lower cortisol levels, increase dopamine and serotonin (our happy hormones) and lower excitatory hormones like norepinephrine and epinephrine. Massage has been shown to help the body shift into a peaceful parasympathetic state (rest and digest mode) from stressful sympathetic state (fight-or-flight mode), extracting stress away.

7 Ways To Manage Stress Effectively

Poorly managed stress leads to fatigue, obesity, heart disease and serious health problems. Knowing your stressors and your reactions will guide you to the right stress reduction technique for you. 7 ways to cope with stress: Keep your life organized; Engage in regular exercise; Eat healthy; Get enough rest; Try relaxation techniques; Have a positive outlook; Seek support.
Easy Yoga Routine for Stress (30-min)

Easy 30-Min Yoga Routine For Stress

If you are stressed out, this easy 30-minute seated practice is exactly what you need. This will suit both experienced yogis and beginners. All you need is a block and a yoga mat to get started with this routine.
Types Of Stress And Ways To De-Stress

Types Of Stress And Ways To De-stress

The world is getting more frenzied by the day. All people are made in different ways and they get impacted with varying intensities. All...
Keeping Your Mental Health at Its Best

Keeping Your Mental Health at Its Best

Mental health and physical health is closely knitted to each other and if one falls in some sort of a problem, the other will...
Strategies To Cope With The Stress Of Infertility

Strategies To Cope With The Stress Of Infertility

Love yourself and give yourself permission to live life and be happy even in times of struggle! I see so many clients in my office...
How Can I Lose Weight?

How Can I Lose Weight?

Losing weight boils down to stress, digestion and current weight. Stress: Your body and mind are in sync and too much exercise results in stress and eventually inflammation. Digestion: If you have poor digestion, eat fiber rich foods and avoid medicines. Weight: Check your BMI and lose the appropriate amount weight, losing excess weight can cause problems.
Yoga and Meditation to Relieve Stress

Yoga and Meditation to Relieve Stress

Feeling frazzled? Rather than sulking in despair or reaching for another handful of your "comfort" food of choice, feed yourself with research-backed coping methods...
How to Make Herbal Bath Tea Bags

How to Make Herbal Bath Tea Bags?

Fill a sock or muslin cloth with 2 tbsp of dried chamomile and 2 tbsp of dried rose petals and pack tightly. Hang it below the tap as your filling the tub so that the water goes through the bundle. Once the tub is full let the bundle float about your tub. Squeeze repeatedly during bath to see water color change and remove when finished. You are sure to feel relaxed.
A 7 Step Guide To Naturally Prevent Birth Defects

A 7 Step Guide To Naturally Prevent Birth Defects

Eat Right: Proper nutrition is very important for pregnant women and their unborn babies. Take Extra Folic Acid: It is recommended that pregnant women should consume 400 micrograms of folic acid per day to prevent birth defects. Stop Smoking: Do not smoke while you’re pregnant and always avoid situations where you’ll be exposed to secondhand smoke. Avoid Stress: Stress is detrimental to the human body, so it’s no secret that pregnant women should avoid it.
Meditation Can Simply Relieve You From Stress

Meditation Can Simply Relieve You From Stress

If you have difficulty sleeping, inability to focus, and feel moody for most of the day, these are warning signs and might wear you down emotionally. This is when you need to engage in meditation and communicate with the silence of your spirit. Some people may like to chant a mantra. These vibrations then divert the mind to allow transformation and harmony to occur. You must listen to their breath and heartbeat and engage in peaceful meditation.
How To Use Yoga & Pranayam To Relieve Stress

How To Use Yoga & Pranayam To Relieve Stress

Neglect of mental health reflects in one's lifestyle and outlook on life, affecting his/her eating habits, physical appearance, relationships, social and professional life, etc....
The Best Stress Management Tip - Acceptance

The Best Stress Management Tip – Acceptance

The Herd mentality: The biggest cause for stress today is a latent dissatisfaction with oneself. We all talk about individualism but constantly want to confirm...
Feel Overwhelmed And Rushed? Do a Stress Assess

Feel Overwhelmed And Rushed? Do a Stress Assess

If you find yourself rushing from task to task, worried that you don’t have time to do everything, or if you are shouldering a...
6 Effective Tips To Break Out Of A Weight Loss Plateau.

6 Effective Tips To Break Out Of A Weight Loss Plateau.

It Happens to All of Us at Some Point: I know what it's like, trust me! I remember thinking "I'm NEVER going to lose this...