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The Havoc Sleep Deprivation Causes To Your Health

Some reasons for deprived sleep are insomnia, depression and lack of relaxation. This can make us more prone to accidents with poor reflexes and attention levels, weaken the immune system and can result in weight gain. This may also lead to impairment of judgement levels. Sleep on time and you give your body enough time to recover from daily stress.
Yoga poses for better sleep

Ayurvedic Tips For Good Sleep: Follow Your Body Type

Vatas should wake by 6 am, have breakfast by 8 am, lunch at 11 am–12 pm, and supper by 6 pm, and sleep at 10 pm, lying on their back. Pittas should wake up by 5.30 am, have breakfast at 7.30 am, lunch at 12 pm, and supper by 7 pm. They should sleep by 11 pm on the right. Kaphas should wake up by 4.30 am and sleep by 12 am on their left. They should have breakfast by 7 am, lunch by 1 pm, and supper by 8 pm.
Enhancing Your Health This Summer The Ayurveda Way

Enhancing Your Health This Summer The Ayurveda Way

Massage with cooling oils like coconut and sesame. Take short naps for 30 min. Sleep under the night sky and reduce exercise. Soak 2 tbsp of semi-crushed coriander seed in 1 gal of water. Expose self to maximum moonlight. The cooling effects of the coriander and the moon will be imparted to the water. Sip it all day to cool your body in summer.

How To Sleep Comfortably During Pregnancy?

Firm pillows for additional support can be used for better sleep during pregnancy. It allows you to customize your space with minimum risk. Side-sleeping is often the best option for pregnant women, but it can create pressure spots. Try putting a pillow between your knees to help keep your hips aligned.
Good Sleep Is The Secret To Weight Loss

Good Sleep Is The Secret To Weight Loss

Chronic lack of sleep can lead to mood disorders, heart disease, diabetes, obesity and early mortality. Eat a breakfast rich in fiber and protein, make lunch your largest meal and don't eat your dinner too late. If you do feel hungry before bedtime, a small protein snack with healthy fat staves off sleep-depriving hunger without sabotaging your weight-loss goals.

Simple Bedtime Rituals To Counter Insomnia

Stop drinking coffee at noon; don’t consume sugar or refined carbs after 4pm; early morning sunlight sets circadian rhythm; avoid evening exercise to avoid adrenaline spikes; turn off all electronics 1 to 2 hours before bed; do some light yoga or stretching; read a book, take a bath or any other relaxing activity that notifies your body that it is time to wind down and rest.

5 Easy Rituals For A Good Night’s Sleep

Bedtime Rituals: Stick to a fixed bed time, even on the weekends; Turn off all electronics; Wind down- light some incense, a scented candle, or take a warm aromatherapy bath; Dim the lights especially in your bedroom; Keep your bedroom cool, dark, quiet, and well ventilated; Eat light- Avoid heavy meals in the evening; Breathe and relax- relax all the muscles in your body.

Ayurveda’s Top 3 Insomnia Solutions

Ayurveda recommends- Sleep by 10 pm and wake by 6 am- Sleep during Tamas (quality of inertia present between 8-10 pm) and wake during Sattva (quality of mental peace, clarity between 4-6 am); Avoid stimulating activities prior to bed- Turn off electronic noise and relax; Oil your feet, head, ears with warm sesame oil: Helps combat stress, slows the aging process.
Seven Natural Ways To Counter Insomnia

Seven Natural Ways To Counter Insomnia

If you have difficulty achieving or maintaining normal sleep, you have insomnia. Trouble falling asleep at bedtime is referred to as sleep-onset insomnia. If...
What Are The Benefits Of Sleeping Naked?

5 Benefits Of Sleeping Naked Every Day

Sleeping naked can be comfortable. Your t-shirt or pyjamas won't get stuck during sleep. Lowers the risk of skin disease, as your body usually covered all day, gets to breathe. It helps keep your sleeping environment below 70F every night and regulates its melatonin and growth hormone levels. These chemicals help prevent ageing and are essential for good health.
Alpha State

Achieving The Relaxed Alert Alpha State With Alpha Music

A mind in that is present in the alpha brainwave is one with a relaxed mind, free of stress and is automatically uses more...
What Are The Health Benefits Of Napping

What Are The Health Benefits Of Napping?

Curejoy Expert Janardhana Hebbar Explains: Even though modern-day research has suggested that napping is a beneficial way to relieve tiredness, it still has stigmas associated...
Dealing With Menopause And Insomnia (Part 2)

Dealing With Menopause And Insomnia (Part 2)

The first part of the story spoke in detail about the ways peri-menopause and menopausal women can deal with Insomnia. In this second part,...
Dealing With Menopause And Insomnia

Dealing With Menopause And Insomnia

Why It Happens And What To Do As a nurse practitioner, I treat a lot of women who are struggling through the hormonal changes associated...
When To Move On To A New Workout Program

When To Move On To A New Workout Program

Been committed to your workout program for quite some time now? Do you feel like you just aren’t seeing the results that you were...