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10 Inspiring Health And Fitness Quotes To Help You Stay On Track

So, the chances are that you resolved to eat healthy and exercise more (yet again) this New Year and all your motivation has dried...

8 Things You Need To Know Before You Sign Up For A Marathon

Being part of a marathon run is as fulfilling as it sounds. There is nothing better than signing up for a marathon if you...

5 Step Guide To Help You Survive The Marathon Called Childbirth

Getting to hold your baby after its birth is a wonderful thing. No way is it selfish if you have a birth plan prepared...

10 Tips for Beginning Marathoners

26.2 miles or 42.1 kilometers are not numbers you toy with when it comes to running. Your body must be conditioned to endure the...

How To Meditate While Running

Athletes are highly benefited by mindfulness meditation. By new training methods, athletes consciously create the flow experience at will. Mindfulness meditation teaches to run with ease. When the attention is turned inward, comparing performance stops and stress is reduced. Mindfulness will help you monitor your breath, body, emotions, and thought. It also keeps them in sync.
How to rest and recover from a marathon

How To Rest And Recover After A Marathon?

The road to complete recovery after a marathon is difficult but not impossible. Do not stop running soon after the marathon, take an ice bath and get into some compression wear before you prepare for a long and sound sleep soon after the marathon. Replenish your body with antioxidant-rich food and enroll in an aerobics class till you recover completely.
Manage Health Risks Of Running

How To Manage The Health Risks Of Running

Don't run full throttle the very first day. Give your heart and your muscles time to cope and settle into a routine. Then step up the speed and the mileage to get benefits. Any sign of nagging pains and aches, halt and head to your physio. Slip on the right pair of shoes that will enhance your performance and keep sipping enough water before, during, and after the run to keep your blood pressure from dipping below normal.

Tips To Trim The Flab

With a few easy lifestyle tips and weight loss eye openers, you can finally find yourself progressing on the road to weight loss. Let the optimism kick in!
Best Time To Drink Green Tea

What Is The Best Time To Drink Green Tea For Good Health?

A morning cup of green tea on an empty stomach may damage your liver. Drinking it with a meal inhibits the absorption of iron in your body. Drink it 2 hours before or after a meal and 2 hours before bedtime. Else, its caffeine and L-theanine amino acid can keep you alert. The tea, being a diuretic, can also disturb your sleep. For weight loss, drink it before you exercise, but restrict yourself to 2–3 cups a day. Avoid this cooling drink in winter.
Running for anxiety

Running For Anxiety: How Running Helps Overcome Anxiety

No matter what causes anxiety in you, running relieves its symptoms like shallow breathing, palpitations, and numbness in hands and feet, by boosting the oxygen intake and blood flow. It increases the GABA neurotransmitters that soothe excited nerves and resist stress in the long run and endorphins to improve mood and battle the effect of cortisol. It promotes restful sleep. It's therapeutic in phobic anxieties.
Running and blood pressure

Running And Blood Pressure: Why You Should Run If You Have High BP

Moderate running doesn't trouble the heart in people with high BP. In fact, it lowers BP, and regular running keeps it from rising even on exertion and boosts your oxygen intake, thus improving your performance. It solves your stress and weight issues and helps your heart. Running for 30 mins daily, even in installments, helps in cases of resistant hypertension where meds can't. Run, jog, or walk, but don't sprint.

Avail Yourself To Serendipity

When I had a pelvic stress fracture that took 3 years to heal, I felt insignificant as running was my only identity. One day out of boredom, I found myself wandering into Barnes and Noble seeking nutritional guide, something that I am extremely interested in. To my surprise, I realized if I can’t exercise I may as well learn something more. Gradually, this transformed me into a health conscious that later helped me figure out my passion. I never would have realized this, if I haven't met with an accident. Therefore, no matter what life offers you, being resilient would take you to something you never knew about yourself. know more..

8 Things You “Do Not” Have To Do To Be Healthy!

Well, today on The Buzz, we are going to cut through some of that fitness noise and talk about 8 things you "DO NOT" have to do to be fit and healthy (And 1 Thing You Must Do!).

What Does Walking Barefoot Do For Your Mind?

Walking barefoot, be it on the beach or in the park, is an oft-romanticized notion. It seems to bring out a better side in us – calm, relaxed and happier. The reality is that the nerves in our soles do touch our soul so to speak, especially affecting memory and balance.

Hiking: The Adventure Begins Here!

The benefits of hiking go far beyond the good vistas and are rewarding too! Here is a beginner's guide to the art of hiking.