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How To Prevent Preterm Labor

6 Important Tips On How To Prevent Preterm Birth

Preterm birth, or having a baby before the 37th week of your pregnancy, can result in your baby being underdeveloped. While it's not possible to entirely prevent this, you can lower the risk. Don't miss prenatal appointments, and ensure your doctor is aware of your medical history. Also, manage your weight and take steps to avoid stress. Additionally, eat a traditional diet, and stay away from cigarette and alcohol.

7 Helpful Tips To Deal With Loss Of Appetite During Pregnancy

Food aversions are as common during pregnancy as food cravings. Sometimes, moms worry about losing their appetite, thinking it might affect their baby. It is...

Can You Drink Diet Soda While You’re Pregnant?

Diet soda has close to no nutritional value. Minerals like potassium and sodium are added, which can be harmful in excess. Diet soda also contains caffeine, which is considered harmful for a developing fetus. It is filled with artificial sweeteners and artificial flavors, which can cause a loss of calcium. Regular consumption can result in overweight babies. It may also be associated with preterm labor, which comes with a lot of complications.

Effects Of Exposure To Loud Noises During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a phase in a woman's life when she has to be extra careful and cautious with her actions, food habits, and her...

How Safe Are Hot Showers And Hot Tubs During Pregnancy

A hot water bath could be extremely soothing for any pregnant woman. Not only does it helps the muscles relax—it also eases the joint...

Why Do People Touch Your Pregnant Belly?

If you are a first-timer, pregnancy can take a toll on you. Especially, when you hear annoying things and get unsolicited advice which will...

Avoid These 9 High-Risk Physical Activities During Pregnancy

We can never place enough emphasis on the importance of indulging in some physical activity during pregnancy. For instance, practicing exercises regularly during pregnancy...

Homemade Pregnancy Tests & When To Take Them

Pregnancy is an amazing experience for all women. They eagerly wait to confirm the pregnancy and declare the arrival of their bundle of joy...
The Truth About Sex After Menopause

10 Truths About Having Sex After You Hit Menopause

Menopause brings about a drastic shift in your body’s hormone cycle, which affects almost every aspect of your life. Along with fluctuations in your...

How Do Your Genes Affect Your Baby’s Personality?

When a baby is born, the first few thoughts are about who the baby resembles more. Has s/he got his/her father's or mother's nose?...

Strengthening Pelvic Floor Muscles To Ease Post-partum Sex

A painful post-partum sex is one of the common problems after childbirth. Strengthening your pelvic floor muscles is the key. It involves making these muscles strong right from the time you are trying to conceive, when pregnant, during labor, and after childbirth. It is also important to discuss with your doctor about the pain if it persists.

6 Infections During Pregnancy That Could Affect The Baby

Although every pregnant woman wants a healthy and normal pregnancy, they are susceptible to many infections. During pregnancy, infections can become severe and possibly...

Pain And Insomnia In Third Trimester

The third trimester of your pregnancy is a time of excitement, anxiety, and pain. The excitement of holding your little one in your arms...

What Moms Should Know In Their 8th Month Of Pregnancy

Congratulations! It has been 7 complete months of carrying your little baby in your tummy. By the 8th month, the realization completely seeps in—you are...

Busting 9 Common Myths Associated With Childbirth

When there is a lack of complete knowledge, myths are born. Pregnancy is one such domain where when a wrong information is passed as...