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White Spots On Nails: Should You Be Worried?

White spots or discoloration on your nail plate or nail bed are known as leukonychia. Usually caused by an allergic reaction to nail cosmetics and/or a recent injury to the nail, these spots are harmless and disappear in 8 months. They may also be caused by zinc or albumin deficiency, which is curable. In some cases though, where the spots appear on all nails, they may point to chronic health issues linked to kidney, heart, or liver and fungal or viral infections.

Why Is Vitamin B12 Critical For Your Body?

Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamine, is one of the most important nutrients required for many vital biological functions in the body. A deficiency of...

9 Signs And Symptoms Of Protein Deficiency

At the very mention of proteins, we think of lean meat and supplements. This just goes to show how well-informed most of us are...

5 Beauty Tips For Healthy Feet

We all want to look good and devote considerable time grooming ourselves before we go out of the house; be it at work, a...

7 All-Natural Hacks To Nail Your Next Manicure

Use equal parts of vinegar and lemon juice to eliminate the traces of your old polish efficiently. Soak them for 10 mins in a mix of 5T lemon juice, 3T warm water to lighten the stains. Scrub skin with 3T brown sugar, 2T olive/almond oil mix, rinse well. Soothe your hands by soaking them in warm milk for 10 mins. Moisturize the cuticles with olive oil, vit E skin oil blend.
Get Rid Of An Ingrown Toenail Naturally

How To Get Rid Of An Ingrown Toenail Naturally

Soften the skin around your toenail with olive oil and gently push it away from the nail with a cotton bud. Wet a cotton swab with an antiseptic sol. or dental floss and place it under the ingrown edge of the nail. Soak your foot in a sol. of warm water and tinctures of St John's wort, calendula for about half an hour. Apply tea-tree oil and/or neem oil to the affected area.

10 Symptoms And Remedies Of Anemia You Need To Be Aware Of

Have you ever had that feeling when it suddenly blackens out and you struggle to stand, forget walking? "No", then, congrats you are absolutely fit....

10 Surprising Things That Are Actually Unhealthy

Germs can hide in unexpected places in your house. Sure, you go all-out on the weekends, bring out your cleaning tools, and scrub every...

9 Signs Of Disease Your Feet Can Reveal

Your feet is probably the least cared part of your body, but simple signs and issues with them could be telling us about issues...

Natural Remedies To Get Rid Of Yellow Toenails

Yellow toenails, although usually benign, can be embarrassing in social gatherings and painful in some cases. These easy natural home remedies will help you get rid of any underlying infections/conditions causing the discoloration. Heal you toenails with these simple applications before the condition becomes severe and difficult to treat.

30 Ways To Relax Your Mind And Nourish Your Soul

Practice meditation; focus on your feelings, identify the negative ones, and let them go. Play with the pets, go for a walk, and observe nature to clear your mind. Do some gratitude list making and be thankful for what all you have. Take a bubble bath, paint nails or if you are agitated, shadow box. Retire to a quiet nook to knit, listen to calming music, or solve a crossword.

What Are The Symptoms Of Peripheral Artery Disease?

Lower body pain (legs, hips, lower back), characteristic of peripheral arterial disease, can be mistaken for diseases like arthritis. Watch out for weakness in legs, intermittent claudication (cramps after walking or climbing stairs), slow-healing sores on your toes or feet, nocturnal leg pain, temperature differences in feet, poor growth of nails and leg hair, and weak pulse in legs.
Why Kundalini Yogi Women Are Stronger Than Men?

Why Kundalini Yogi Women Are Stronger Than Men?

Kundalini Yogi women are strong because, they create and carry life, are great with multitasking, they have a natural ability to step into others shoes and relieve their pain with mountains of compassion, are born to excel, they have both hemispheres of the brain working at the same time, their silence is power and they give men the opportunity to show grace.
Natural Home remedies For Yellow Toenails

Natural Home Remedies For Yellow Toenails

Yellow toenails shows presence of yeast infection beneath the nails. Causes - wearing dirty socks, inadequate hygiene, wearing nail polish for long. Home remedies: Soak in water and 1 tbsp lemon juice - Take 3 tbsp baking soda, 1 tbsp of 3% hydrogen peroxide and apply the paste - Soak in warm water and apple cider vinegar in equal quantities. Drink herbal tea.
How To Get Rid Of Ingrown Toenails?

How To Get Rid Of an Ingrown Toenail?

Onychocryptosis, or what is commonly known as ingrown toenail is a painful nail disease in which, the nail grows cutting one or both sides of the nail bed. The result of ingrown toenail is the discharge of yellow fluid and growth of extra tissue on toe. One popular remedy is using an Epsom Salt soak, cotton and neosporin to get rid of this infection. You could also try other home remedies like apple cider vinegar, lemon and Hydrogen Peroxide.