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The Definitive Ayurvedic Guide For A Healthy Pregnancy.

Pregnancy is considered to be one of the most beautiful experiences of a woman’s life. It is a time when everything the pregnant mother...
Smart And Simple Yoga Tips For Super Busy Moms.

Smart And Simple Yoga Tips For Super Busy Moms.

Today is Mother’s Day and you must be one of the busy mothers in the world feeling a bit low on energy, gaining weight,...
A Healthy & Happy Mom is a Better Mom!- Top 10 Health Tips for Busy Moms.

Top 10 Health Tips For Busy Moms: A Happy Mom Is A Better Mom!

A happy mom is a better mom. Self-neglect and ignoring your needs can make you feel tired, stressed, and unhealthy. When you take out time for your needs, you'll feel energetic, happy, and healthy which makes you a better mom. Eating your breakfast properly, giving yourself a me time, getting enough sleep, keeping yourself hydrated, eating healthy, taking proper rest can help you stay healthy and become a better mom.
Nutrition Tips for Moms to Reduce Stress & Increase Energy

Nutrition Tips for Moms to Reduce Stress & Increase Energy.

Doesn’t every mother want to know the secret for having more energy and less stress?  The good news is that you don’t need to...
Root Causes and Natural Cures For Morning Sickness.

Root Causes and Natural Cures For Morning Sickness

Finding out and being pregnant is often the most exciting time in a woman’s life, but then the morning sickness begins and sometimes it...
10 Simple Tips For Busy Moms To Free More Me Time.

10 Simple Tips For Busy Moms To Free More “Me” Time.

Being a mom can be hard. You’re a chef, fashion consultant, doctor, seamstress, maid, and who knows how many other hats you wear during...
Benefits of Breast-feeding for Mother and Baby.

Benefits of Breast-feeding for Mother and Baby.

Birth is the independent journey the baby takes, and mother’s milk is the first and THE most important food. The mother and baby are...
4 Simple Yoga Asanas Every Mom Should Do To Recharge!

4 Simple Yoga Asanas Every Mom Should Do To Recharge!

The Never-Ending Routine: As women, we enjoy the transition into being a mother, yet we often forego taking care of ourselves. There is always someone who...
Ayurveda Can Help Support A New Mother's Needs

How Ayurveda Can Help Support A New Mother’s Needs

A mother feels exhausted, depleted, and tired after childbirth. Ayurveda recommends 6 weeks rest after a child birth. Prolonged discomfort, depression, and lack of recovery can cause fatigue, stress, hemorrhoids, irritability, depression and digestive problems resulting in chronic health problems later. Healthy fresh cooked meals, clean and positive environment, a good warm oil massage, and belly wrapping to restore organs and muscles can help a new mother.
14 Vital Tips to Cope with Stress During Pregnancy

14 Vital Tips to Cope with Stress During Pregnancy

In today's day and age, we have come far away from what ancient texts describe. According to Ayurveda, the most important time for a woman is when she is...
Pregnancy and Yoga: 5 Totally Safe Poses

Pregnancy and Yoga: 5 Totally Safe Poses

The period of pregnancy: To be pregnant is to be essentially alive, completely womanly and populated. The baby growing in your belly is like a...
10 Things You May Not Know About Your Weight

10 Things You May Not Know About Your Weight

Some people just have more fat cells. You can change your metabolism. Stress fattens you. What your mother ate when she was pregnant affects your constitution. Sleeping more can help you lose weight. Your spouses' weight affects yours. Food can be addictive. Ear infections can taint your taste buds. Antioxidants are anti-fat. You can be fat and fit.
Ayurvedic Tips For A Healthy Pregnancy

Ayurvedic Tips For A Healthy Pregnancy: Your Care Guide

Pregnancy is considered to be one of the most important stages in a woman’s life, one that requires tremendous care, attention and looking after....
5 Foods To Avoid During Pregnancy

5 Foods To Avoid During Pregnancy

Avoid longer living big fish like shark, swordfish, King Mackerel and filefish as they contain greater levels of Methyl Mercury. Having more than 200 mg of caffeine can increase the risk of miscarriages. More than 100 mg of caffeine enhances the possibilities of growth restriction. Undercooked foods can lead to food-borne illness. Avoid fried foods and liver.
The risk factors of teenage Pregnancy

The risk factors of teenage Pregnancy

The facts and figures of teenage pregnancy: Based on the surveys conducted by leading organizations, the statistics for teenage pregnancies in the Unites States of...