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Get Grounded, With Some Taoist Breathing

Get Grounded, With Some Taoist Breathing

Sit with your back straight, legs crossed, relax your body and close your eyes. While the standard way of breathing is to push the stomach out as you breathe in, in this Taoist technique you will start by pulling in your stomach muscles as you breathe in. As you breathe out, you release the stomach muscles. Practice 15 mins everyday. Progress by holding longer.
The Art Of Relaxation

The Art Of Relaxation

Relaxation is the state of being free from tension and anxiety. Common everyday stressors disturb our peace of mind. Breathing and mindfulness can help achieve ultimate solace and bring balance and peace back to the inner self. Creative activities like drawing or writing, talking to friends, a stroll in nature, can give you fulfilment and keep anxiety and stress at bay.
meditation for healing

Nourish Your Mind And Spirit – Meditation For Healing

Starting your day with a short, easy meditation session can bolster your attitude. Don't rush to reach somewhere but search for beauty in things you see and hear as you travel. Express inner gratitude for sacrifices made by others to feed and nourish your spirit. Recall reasons why you love your dear ones and tell them you love them at every moment possible.
complete body and mind fitness

3 Mind-Body Fitness Practices That Can Transform You

Learn to harness relaxation within intense activity by focusing on simple cues like keeping your face relaxed. Meditation can help you recover better and expand your fitness limits. Engage your will power with simple incremental goals. Let your mind ruminate on positive words like "strength", before a workout or after meditating.
Beneficial Role Of Yoga For Brain And Immune System

Beneficial Role Of Yoga For Brain And Immune System

Yoga practices include strengthening routines called asanas, breathing techniques called pranayamas, cleansing routines called kriyas, calming meditation routines, a yogic diet and lifestyle. Living the Yoga life reduces inflammation and supports immune system functioning. Also helps boost brain function and reduce stress, a root cause of chronic diseases.
6 Simple Ways To Begin Your Journey To Meditation Practice

6 Simple Ways To Begin Your Journey To Meditation Practice

Pick a peaceful place and find a time that works best for you. Choose a desirable posture. Start the practice with a small amount of time to establish a long lasting practice. Remain focused in spite of distractions. Be present, centered and concentrated in the moment. The objective of meditation, is not to have thoughts, but to reduce mental chatter.

Yoga Nidra – Deep Restful Meditation For Stress Relief

Yoga Nidra - Deep Restful Meditation For Stress Relief

Can You Meditate While Walking?

Walking meditation requires you to move and be active and engage your mind and body in the activity in order to experience a holistic positive result. You must not allow the outer world to bind your mind into it. The principle behind walking meditation is achieving a balanced awareness, equilibrium, between your inner self and the outer world surrounding you.
7 Super Benefits Of Practicing Yoga And Meditation Daily

7 Super Benefits Of Practicing Yoga And Meditation Daily

Practicing yoga and meditation can make you feel better, it de-stresses your mind and body and elevates the feelings of inner peace, happiness and contentment. Yoga also increases one's energy levels, strengthens the body, and improves relationships. Moreover, it also balances your mood, along with physical and mental status.
3 De-Stressing Techniques To Be More Productive at Work

3 De-Stressing Techniques To Be More Productive at Work

Those who practice yoga regularly report that they feel less stressed and have a better quality of sleep. Meditation increases concentration and creativity, which increases mental acuity and efficiency at work. Exercise not only improves your overall health and wellness, but it helps deplete stress hormones and releases feel-good chemicals into the brain.

The Yogic Way To Develop A Strong Heart

Consume 50 gms of soya/30 gms Bengal gram or 25 gms Fenugreek a day. Indulge in brisk walking everyday for 30 mins and drink 14 glasses of water a day. Practicing color therapy, Hasya Yoga, Nadi Shodhana Pranayama, Shavasana and Padmasana, all help improve circulation and heart health. Even having and pet and socializing have shown to work great.
10 Minutes Of Meditation To Counter Daily Stress

10 Minutes Of Meditation To Counter Daily Stress

Start meditation for about 10 minutes, twice a day. It requires regularity more than time. In life’s paradoxical way, when we spend time meditating on a regular basis, we actually have more time. It helps you achieve restful alertness that helps refresh the mind and body. When you stick to a meditation ritual, you will notice that you accomplish more doing less.
Building Positive Affirmations And Self Acceptance

Building Positive Affirmations And Self Acceptance

Write down all the self-critical things you habitually say to yourself and try understanding and eliminate them. To build self-acceptance, you need to talk to yourself in an encouraging and reassuring way, use affirmation audios for self-empowering, appreciate yourself, be mindful, learn to express your emotions and feelings appropriately.

Meditation: How And Why It Can Help Weight Loss

Meditation causes changes in brain areas responsible for body sensations, especially those related to hunger and craving. It trains your brain to attune to your body in a healthy way. High cortisol levels associated with abdominal weight gain, depression, anxiety and sleep disorders that cause weight gain can be corrected by meditation.
Autism In Children

Ayurveda Remedies To Treat Autism In Children

Panchakarma treatments like Snehana and Swedana are helpful/Trikatu, a combination of ginger, long pepper and black pepper can be used to stimulate the production of digestive enzymes and promote the absorption of essential nutrients/Herbs like Brahmi, Shatavari and ayurvedic medicines like Suvarna Prashan, Chaitanoday rasa are helpful.