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Yoga Kriya And Meditations To Boost Your Immune System

Yoga Kriya And Meditations To Boost Your Immune System

You can sit in an easy pose with your chin in and your chest out. Stick your tongue out and keep it out as you rapidly breathe in and out through your mouth. Continue this for 5min. To finish inhale, hold breath for 15sec, press tongue against upper palate. Exhale. Yoga poses like Child’s pose/Bridge pose/Cobra pose/Plow pose strengthen the immune system.
Anahata Chakra Heart Chakra The Love Chakra

Anahata Chakra/ Heart Chakra: The Love Chakra

Anahata/ Heart chakra embodies the infinite spirit of love. Even though the one who has opened the heart chakra experiences bliss, this will only be fleeting and transient. The lesson of this chakra is to grow above dependency and worldly attachment, to learn that it's time to leave and pursue higher goals once your duties to the material world is complete.

You Can’t Meditate, It Happens

The true meaning of meditation can only be achieved over a period of time, when you learn to come in peace with 'conflict' in life. Reducing thought process, sitting in a quite space alone, being comfortable, wearing loose and light apparel and facing eat while meditating can increase its effect and help achieve the true meaning of meditation.
Meditation Find Source Of Inspiration For Lasting Change

Meditation: Find Source Of Inspiration For Lasting Change

Sit in a comfortable position, first thing in the morning and concentrate on your breath. Your concentration may drift but that's normal, it will cease as you practice more often. Focus on your breath and gradually you will realize what your mind really wants. This will help shun contrary thoughts, focus on your true goals and bring about self-awareness.
Three Ways Meditation Can Improve Your Fertility

Three Ways Meditation Can Improve Your Fertility

Meditation reduces cortisol levels. -Stress stimulates production of cortisol, decreases the monthly surge of luteinizing hormone (LH) which is responsible for triggering ovulation. Meditation helps reduce this. It also reduces insulin resistance and improves sex hormone balance both of which equally contribute to one's fertility.
Mindfulness Practice- Movement Versus Stillness

Mindfulness Practice: Movement Versus Stillness

Mindfulness practice needs both stillness (meditation) and movement (daily awareness). During quiet wakefulness, people resistant to stillness can feel aching in muscles, itch you can’t scratch, unpleasant “tickle that won’t stop”, or even a “crawling” feeling. This is due to a neurological disorder (RLS) or our body's adrenaline factor that can be normalized over time.

Chakra Meditation For Beginners

Chakra meditation іѕ а way оf revitalizing thе energy focal points іn уоur body. Thе focal points іn thе body аrе known аѕ thе Chakras. Thеrе аrе 7 Chakras іn оur body, viz. Sahasrara Chakra, Ajna Chakra, Vishuddha Chakra, Anahata Chakra, Manipura Chakra, Svadhisthana Chakra, and Muladhara Chakra. Chakra meditation саn bе done wіth crystals оr wіth thе respective stones fоr thе Chakras.
Quick Mini Meditation Techniques For Good Health

Quick Mini Meditation Techniques For Good Health

Meditating can help you get better quality sleep, show more kindness towards others, and reduce inflammation. Here are a series of mini-meditations you can call on throughout your day when you’re feeling frazzled and need to find your center. Start off with greeting the day by setting an intention, next commute with your consciousness and let go, practice midday mindfulness and discipline and show yourself compassion before bedtime.

Meditation Techniques For Beginners

Meditation consists of several styles and techniques. Here are two easy methods for beginners. Grounding: Sit comfortably on a chair with your feet flat on the ground, place palms on your lap and close eyes. Focus on a particular point, inhale and as you exhale mentally let go of anything that is causing stress. Benson's Technique: This involves the repetition of a word or phrase tagged with passively disregarding thoughts that come to you during the process.
Svadhishthana Chakra Sacral Chakra Unlocking The Secrets

Svadhishthana Chakra /Sacral Chakra: Unlocking The Secrets

Svadhisthana chakra begins to develop between ages 2 and 4. The aspects of this chakra are: procreation, family and fantasy. The earth element of Muladhara chakra dissolves into the water element, thus showing it connection to the previous chakra. This chakra deals with emotions, sexuality, intimacy, reproduction, pleasure and personal relationships.
Does Yoga And Meditation Improve Brain Power?

Does Yoga And Meditation Improve Your Brain Power?

We all seek different ways to improve our brain power and professional success. Students want to do well at academics, businessmen and professionals want...
Easy Daily Meditation Practice [Video]

Easy Daily Meditation Practice [Video]

Easy Meditation Practice for Beginners Meditation is such a vital part of staying sane. If you’re looking to develop a daily meditation practice, this easy...
health benefits of meditation

Health Benefits Of Meditation With Meditative Postures

To extract the most out of meditation sync the body with the mind in the right meditative posture. This can aid in posture correction, improved digestion, improves neuro muscular stability, improves breathing capacity, reduces blood pressure, beneficial effects on blood pressure and improves sexual and reproductive functions.
Healthy food for a healthy heart

Healthy Food For A Healthy Heart

The fact remains; heart disease continues to be the number one cause of death in the United States. The American diet that concentrates on...
Yoga As An Alternative Treatment For Alzhiemer's

Yoga As An Alternative Treatment For Alzheimer’s

 The Alzheimer’s Epidemic: Some really alarming statistics as per the Alzheimer’s Association: - More than 5 million Americans are living with the disease. - Every 67 seconds...