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Workout plan for tall and heavy set guys

The Best Weight-Loss Workout Plan For Tall And Heavyset Guys

While it's cool and intimidating to be a big and tall guy, it isn't always easy if you're looking to lose a few pounds and get into your best shape. For instance, being big and tall can cause mobility issues, question training methods, or even get in the way of the proper form on some exercises. This makes it highly important for you to zero in on the best workout plan that's ideal for your stature.
Eating more fiber-rich foods can increase your longevity and improve heart health

Can Fiber Reduce The Risk Of Heart Attacks?

Dietary fiber intake can improve life quality and longevity after a heart attack. Soluble fiber reduces circulating LDL cholesterol, leading to fewer blockages and coronary issues. While further research on the matter is needed, there is certainly no harm in eating more fiber. The American Heart Association recommends eating fiber not through supplements but as part of the diet. Legumes, whole grains, and fresh fruits are excellent sources of fiber.
7 Easy, Ageless Exercises You Should Do Every Day

7 Easy, Ageless Exercises You Should Do Every Day

If the gym is not your favorite place, you don't have to stop exercising. Make walking and running a part of your morning routine. Swimming can strengthen your body muscles and help you de-stress. Squats and plank exercises can improve your posture while push-ups and pull-ups work your arms and shoulders. These ageless exercises can keep you fit even in your old age.

5 Important Things Women Forget To Do After Having A Baby

Talk about postpartum, every woman keeps saying things about their newborn. Her world has changed with the arrival of her little love. Her life...

9 Simple Exercises That Improve Functional Arm Strength

Improving the strength of your arms is very important. Increased arm strength not only enables you to do exercises that require arm strength but also helps you accomplish everyday tasks more easily. Exercises that develop the arm muscles also increase flexibility, balance, and coordination, which in turn reduces the possibility of injuries. Simple exercises that use body weight, bands and dumbbells help in improving arm strength.
benefits of rowing machine exercises

9 Benefits Of Rowing Machine Exercise For You

Rowing machine exercises combine the benefits of aerobic and anaerobic exercise and can get you more out of your workout time. Burn calories and work your heart as you strengthen your core and build muscle. This all-weather workout is non-weight bearing and perfect for anyone looking for a low-impact option. Plus, if you don’t like the idea of working out alone, try an indoor rowing group class and make your workout more exciting.
These exercises will give you a toned back with less fat

Want To Get Rid Of Back Fat? Do These 7 Exercises

Are you sick of having a flabby back? Do the superwoman, a full-body stretch that engages back and shoulders. Push-ups are classic moves for toning the upper body. Deadlifts, shoulder presses, and standing flies will sculpt the shoulders and surrounding muscles. Your lats will love it! Do a set of kneeling arm rows on each side. To challenge your balance, take it up a notch and do deadlifts on one leg.
Things about fitness that vegans should know.

5 Things About Fitness That Vegans Should Know

Going vegan doesn't mean you can't get in shape. However, be sure to plan your diet. Vegan foods are low in calories and lead to a large calorie burn. Hence, you might need to eat more. Vegan junk food high in sugar, fat, and calories could cause weight gain. There are plenty of vegan protein sources, but ensure you get enough calcium, iron, zinc, iodine, and vitamin B12. Lastly, believe in yourself and stay motivated.

3 Protein Facts That Every Health Nut Should Know

Protein is important for our body's growth, development, and functioning. But, regular intense or long workouts result in a net loss of skeletal muscle protein. Hence it's important to eat adequate amounts of protein. However, ideal intake depends on the body weight, age, health, and fitness goals. Too much protein can impose a metabolic burden on the bones, kidneys, and liver. Lastly, it's important to vary your protein sources to get all essential amino acids.

Everything You Need To Know About Prediabetes

Prediabetes is diagnosed when you have high blood sugar, which isn't high enough to count as type 2 diabetes. It's important to treat prediabetes as it raises the risk of diabetes. Plus, symptoms don’t show up until it’s turned into full-blown diabetes! Start by eating more fruit, vegetables, and whole grains. Focus on fiber and eat less processed foods. Aim to exercise for 30 minutes five days a week and quit smoking.
bad form puts you at a higher risk

Get The Right Push-Up Form With These Easy Progressions

When it comes to exercise, push-ups can be classified as a classic. They've been around since the early days of bodybuilding and still continue...

A Simple Guide On How To Start Caring For Yourself

Sticking to certain health basics like eating and sleeping on time, and getting plenty of exercise is a good way to start your routine of self-care. Get plenty of time with nature and take up a hobby to get your mind off worrying thoughts and feel more positive. Learning to say 'no' to extra commitments can not only give you more time to yourself but will also help you avoid stressful situations.

5 Ways To Make The Most Of Your Lifting Workout

A common strength training exercise, weight lifting helps to increase muscle mass, endurance, and strength. To make the most of your lifting workout, it's essential for you to follow proper warm-ups, breathing exercises and core activation while lifting. You have to follow a full range of lifts and make sure that you take enough rest intervals in between sets to maximize the efficiency of your workout.

6 Reasons Why You’re Not Getting The Body You Want

Whether you're overweight or slim, the one thing every gym-going guy wants is more muscle. And not just big bulky chunks of muscle but...
Our Weekends Seem To Be Fleeting And Gone Too Soon

Seven Tips To Help You Make The Most Of Your Weekends

“Weekends are a bit like rainbows; they look good from a distance but disappear when you get up close to them.” - John Shirley Many...