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The 7-Minute Abs, Butt, And Thighs Home Workout

If you're looking for the fastest way to lose weight, you just cannot ignore a good HIIT workout. HIIT, or high-intensity interval training, is a...

7 Morning Workouts To Stay Energized All Day

Forget the caffeine. With the right morning workouts, you’ll have lasting energy without the crash. Aim for exercises that increase heart rate and blood flow. Classic options include jumping jacks, push-ups, and burpees. If you hate running, do running mountain climbers instead. Jump squats are great for cardio as well. To work your abs and break a sweat, do Russian twists and twist crunches. Start with 10 to 20 reps and increase reps over time.

The Key To Happiness Lies In Being A Child Again

Sometimes we get so busy adulting and being responsible, we forget about enjoying the simple pleasures in life – like we used to as children. Finding your inner child is a good way to de-stress your mind. You can do this by indulging in activities such as watching cartoons, indulging yourself in a little bit of coloring, or playing board games with your friends and family.

4 Things A Strong Woman Refuses To Do In A Relationship

I’ve learned something that you shouldn’t go through life with a catcher’s mitt on both hands, you need to be able to throw something...
These healthy drinks are not so healthy and should be avoided

5 Of The Worst Beverages You Can Drink

Some drinks are worse than they seem. After exercise, don’t bother sipping bright sports drinks, which are packed with artificial flavoring and colors. Diet soda has artificial sweeteners that can actually make you crave even more sweets. Fruit and veggie juice sound healthy, but bottled versions are packed with sugar. Flavored coffee drinks and lemonades are the same deal. When possible, make your drinks at home to avoid unnecessary calories.
8 Signs You're Are Seriously Out Of Shape

8 Ways To Tell If You’re Seriously Out Of Shape

Most of us put exercise on the back burner. If you haven't worked out in a while, you could be out of shape. However, there are ways to check if you're unfit. Monitor your heart rate after exercise, or take the step test and the 2 km test to check your endurance. Wide waist size, high stress, exhaustion, and sugar cravings are signs of being unfit. Inability to do push-ups also indicate lack of fitness.

Does Exercise Help Lower Your Risk Of Breast Cancer?

Studies show that you can significantly reduce your risk of developing breast cancer by staying fit. Fitness reduces the activity of the cells that are at a risk of becoming cancerous. Regular exercise can cut down your risk by up to 18%. You don't have to perform intense workouts - just a round of brisk walking and a yoga session can greatly help.

10 Exercises That Burn More Calories Than Jogging

Exercises like jogging and running burn a lot of calories. But, they aren't your only choices if you're looking to lose weight quickly. Skipping is a challenging way to get your daily dose of cardio. Burpees and battle ropes strengthen and tone your muscles. Cycling and rowing build endurance. Dancing and boxing make for unconventional ways to get fit. Swimming is good for strength and stamina. Skating is a fun sport and improves one's balance.

6 Supplements For Every Man Who Works Out

Locker room conversation at the gym is usually rife with men trying to one-up each other about how they are loading up on the...
flexibility and improve your range of motion

3 Great Yoga Stretches To Do After Your Next Walk

While you see many runners stretch before they start running, it actually makes more sense to stretch after your run, walk, or jog. The...

10 Underrated Exercises Men Must Include In Their Workouts

Most men go to the gym to perform strength-training exercises. However, a few underrated exercises can be great additions to any exercise regime. Pullovers and military press strengthen the upper body. Duck walk, sprints, and stair climbing build mobility and heart health. Single leg deadlifts, deadlifts, and squats build lower body strength. Dead bug builds core strength and banded pull apart stimulates the back muscles and strengthens the joints.
maintain your fitness level

What A Perfect Week Of Working Out Should Look Like

Though you might prefer to be a gym rat all the time, the fact is that there are only so many hours you can...

Top 9 Yoga Poses For Runners

There are many reasons why we fall in love with running, including a heightened sense of well-being, freedom, and extra energy. This euphoric sensation,...

6 Ways To Make The Most Of Your Rest Days

Rest days are vital for adequate muscle growth and overall physical development. During rest days you should never be idle, active recovery like jogging and conditioning will keep the blood flowing to the muscles. You can also do some mobility work and stretch during this time. Eating properly with the right amount of protein is required for muscle growth. Finally, drinking lots of water will prevent muscle soreness and cramps.

12 Handy Tips When You’re Walking For Weight Loss

Walking is a simple and effective way to lose weight if you're dedicated to doing it regularly. It does not require expensive gym memberships or...