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6 Possible Reasons Why Your Breasts Hurt Frequently

Most women go through breast pain and tenderness. The most common cause for this is the premenstrual syndrome. You could also experience pain if you have big breasts and wear the wrong size bra. Excessive exercising, particularly lifting, strains the pectoralis major muscle, which causes pain. Fibrocystic breast disease also causes lumpy breasts and pain. Lactating women might have an infection called mastitis. Excessive caffeine consumption is also linked to aggravated PMS symptoms and breast pain.
Waking up early can be a pain but these tips can help you with it

Follow These 5 Tips To Wake Up Early Everyday

Science proves the fact that we are not morning people. The reason why some of us find it hard to make up is that we aren't getting enough rest even though we sleep for hours on end. Developing a calming bedtime routine, winding down peacefully, taking time to build the habit of waking early, and avoiding caffeine before bedtime can all help us not just sleep well but also wake up whenever we want. Also, stop using an alarm!

Things You’re Doing That Might Be Harming Your Kidneys

Ignorance is bliss. But not when your kidneys are at stake. Let’s look at 15 mistakes we may be making to endanger the health...

Want To Be A Morning Person? Here Are 5 Simple Tips

Rising with the sun normalizes your circadian rhythm. This decreases appetite, weight gain, and the risk of obesity! To get better sleep, regularly exercise and avoid napping for more than an hour. Stop caffeine intake 6 hours before bedtime, be it tea or chocolate. Turn off electronics an hour before bed. The blue light suppresses melatonin, making it hard to sleep. Finally, give your morning a purpose to make the early morning worth it.
Things women who drink caffeine should know.

5 Things Women Who Drink Caffeine Should Know

Caffeine or coffee, in particular, is the beverage of choice for most people. However, in women, it is associated with a few health complications. Caffeine causes loss of calcium and vitamin B 6 through urine. This increases the risk of osteoporosis and aggravates PMS symptoms. Caffeine increases cortisol levels after meals which causes stress. It might cause miscarriage, spontaneous abortion, fetal death, and stillbirth. It can also aggravate breast pain and obscure mammogram readings.
Reasons Why You Can’t Sleep At Night

7 Reasons Why You Can’t Sleep At Night

If you can’t seem to sleep, look at your everyday habits. Frequent napping, getting up late, or drinking too much caffeine will keep you up. Alcohol might be a “nightcap”, but it also interrupts the internal body clock. Hunger is another common reason, so eat a small snack and avoid large meals. If your room is too hot, use a fan or open the windows.

7 Ways To Survive Working Out In Hot Weather

Hot showers can acclimate your body to high temperatures, helping you cool down faster. Even athletic performance will improve. Drink more water than usual – before, during, and after exercise. Don’t wait until you’re thirsty. Wear light-colored clothing, and avoid hot foods, alcohol, caffeine, and lots of sugar. To cool down, splash water on the neck, wrists, ankles, and armpits. When possible, work out early.
side effects of energy drinks

Side Effects Of Energy Drinks You Must Know

Thanks to the extremely high level of caffeine in them, energy drinks when consumed excessively or with alcohol can trigger physiological and behavioral side effects. These range from heart palpitations and dehydration to risky sexual behavior, violence, and substance abuse. Other effects of energy drinks include weight gain, dental decay, and insulin resistance – largely because of the high sugar content in the drinks. Young adult users have also been known to experience energy highs and lows, along with dehydration and weakness.

7 Ways To Feel Slim All Day Long

Everyone wants to feel good all day, every day. Do it with simple lifestyle changes. To re-energize, go for a short walk. Stretch it out and get the blood flowing. Ditch large and heavy meals for smaller portions to feel energetic. Snack on fruits and drink green tea, both of which are packed with nutrients. Drink water constantly to feel great. Avoid too much caffeine, which can make you feel sluggish.
can damage esophagus lining

Home Remedies For Dry Cough With Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease and it is a condition in which the liquid content of the stomach backs up, or...

The Do’s And Don’ts Of Surviving On No Sleep

Sleepless nights can happen to anyone. To survive the day, drink lots of water to prevent dehydration and fatigue. Napping and sunlight exposure will also normalize your internal body clock. A small dose of caffeine can increase alertness, but don’t drink too much. Overdosing will cause high blood pressure and headaches. It’s also a good idea to avoid heavy meals, which will just make you feel drowsy. Never drive or operate machinery when you’re sleep deprived.

What Does It Mean When You Wake Up At Night?

If you keep waking up at night, these might be the causes. Hunger will turn a grumbling stomach into an unwanted alarm clock. Heavy and fatty foods, citrus fruits, and carbonated drinks before bedtime can cause indigestion and disrupt sleep. For some, exercising before bedtime might also mess with sleep. And drinking caffeine products and excess of alcohol will also interrupt deep REM sleep.

Replace Your Caffeine With Water For Good Health

Water is an elixir that is crucial for our survival. Water is the glue that holds our bodies together. The importance of water for...
affeine can put an undue amount of pressure on our bladder

The Link Between Caffeine Intake And Your Bladder

Coffee is the go-to drink for millions of people when they need a push to get them through the morning. The day's first cup of coffee...
symptoms of caffeine withdrawal

5 Short-Term But Significant Symptoms Of Caffeine Withdrawal

If you are trying to quit caffeine, you could go through a variety of withdrawal symptoms. From headaches to nausea and irritability, caffeine withdrawal symptoms can be tough to manage in the beginning. The symptoms last only for about 2 to 9 days. Do not go cold turkey, slowly tapering it off is the best way to kick the habit.