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Tag: Caffeine

How Much Caffeine Does One Cup Of Green Tea Have?

Green tea offers many health benefits topped off with some caffeine. This natural compound keeps you awake by blocking adenosine, the neurotransmitter that makes you sleepy. It also increases focus and can even aid weight loss, but consuming too much can make you anxious, irritable, and dehydrated. That’s why the recommended daily intake is 100 to 200 milligrams. One cup has an average of 35 milligrams, but it can increase with longer steeping and hotter water.

Drank More Coffee Than You Can Handle? Follow These Quick Tips

True that coffee is just amazing. Coffee can rejuvenate you anywhere and at any hour of the day, thanks to its caffeine content and...

Tired Of Dark Circles? Here Are 6 Ways To Manage Them

The quickest way get rid of dark circles is to use eye makeup. A waterproof concealer in a shade lighter than your skin can cover up stubborn dark circles. For long-term solutions, creams containing caffeine or vitamin A can help to an extent. Chemical peels and laser treatments can be used in more severe cases. As a permanent solution, fat transfer and implant surgery can be used, but be sure to consult a doctor about the best course of action for your specific needs.

All You Need To Know About Caffeine Naps

If you’ve come across the term coffee nap or caffeine nap and are wondering what it is, then you’ve come to the right place....

Here’s Why You Should Replace Caffeine With Stair Climbing

When you need a jolt of energy, walk up and down the stairs instead of drinking more caffeine. According to studies, just 10 minutes of climbing does a better job than caffeine. There's no need to rush because a regular pace will do the trick! It's a great way to avoid the effects of drinking too much caffeine. To get the most out of your workout, walk when the stairs aren't crowded. Wear proper sneakers and watch your step.
The Worst Things To Do When You Struggle To Sleep

7 Of The Worst Things To Do When You Struggle To Sleep

Drinking alcohol or caffeine before you sleep is a bad idea. Smoking can also cause insomnia. Try not to watch television or play with your mobile. Increased screen time could limit sleep hours by interfering with circadian rhythms and promoting physiological arousal. If you are a light sleeper, you might want to keep pets off your bed. Some medications are known to interrupt your sleep patterns as well.
Gastrointestinal trouble affects a lot of runners, even world-class competitors)

5 Foods You Should Avoid To Prevent Poop Problems While Running

Running is one of the best ways to stay fit and healthy. It helps you lose weight, increases your endurance, enhances your immunity, stabilizes...
Simple Swaps To Kick Your Caffeine Habit

 5 Healthy Alternatives To Caffeine

Caffeine is addictive and causes palpitations, headaches, insomnia, and stomach aches. Hence it's important to find healthier alternatives to it. Switch your morning cuppa with herbal teas. They are calming and fight insomnia. Drink smoothies on your breaks instead of coffee. They are filled with nutrients and fiber and prevent bloating. Switch chocolaty desserts with carob and nuts which are heart healthy and nutritious. Lastly, opt for coconut water over commercial drinks for an energy boost.

Health Risks Of Ingredients Found In Food Supplements

Over the years, more people are depending on supplements to compensate their unhealthy diets. But, this growing dependency is an alarming trend as many experts have linked serious health conditions to the ingredients that are used in these supplements. Some of the ingredients can cause cardiac problems and even result in death. Consumers must become aware of the ingredients used in supplements and avoid what’s potentially dangerous.

Can Coffee Drinking Habits Affect Cognitive Function?

A study monitored the coffee drinking habits of 1,445 people aged between 65 and 84 over a period of 3.5 years. It was concluded that older individuals with normal cognitive function who either never or rarely drank coffee or increased their coffee consumption consistently over time have a higher risk of developing mild cognitive impairment as compared to those who were consistent with their coffee intake.
coffee for hair loss

How To Use Caffeine For Hair Loss: Spilling The Beans

Studies have found that caffeine can boost hair growth and prevent alopecia or male pattern baldness. Caffeine does this by preventing testosterone from suppressing hair shaft production, penetrating through hair follicles and improving barrier function, among other things.

The Link Between Coffee Drinking And Jet Lag

The much-loved beverage coffee is renowned to keep people awake past their bedtimes. It delays your circadian rhythm by hindering melatonin release to keep you awake. But that also messes with your sleep quality. If you are planning to take a flight across 3 or more time zones, it's best that you avoid coffee as it can keep you awake but make your jet lags worse.

What You Must Know About Sobering Up After Drinking

We have all been in situations where we drank too quickly or too much that rendered us sloshed. Sometimes, a strong cocktail or a...
Caffeine overdose can result in caffeine withdrawal.

Caffeine And The Effect It Has On Our Bodies And Health

Most of us rely on a cup of coffee or tea in the morning to give a kick-start to our day on a refreshing...

What You Need To Know About Airway Reflux

Airway reflux, or laryngopharyngeal reflux, is a condition in which the contents of your stomach escapes and enters the airways. It is different from...