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What Are The Symptoms Of Autism And How Do You Detect Them?

Absence of some regular responses in children hint at autism– responding to sounds (2 mths), recognizing people (9 mths), imitating people (1.5 yrs), speaking in sentences (3 yrs), scribbling (4 yrs), and drawing (5 yrs). Utmost shyness or aggression in older children are symptoms, too. Autistic adults are socially awkward, exhibit obsessive behavior, and have unusual highly focused interests.

5 Tips To Recharge Your Memory Cells

Struggling to remember birthdays or the day of the week? Exercise daily in the morning to pump blood to your memory cells. Sleep at least 7-9 hours. Staying off alcohol and caffeine will help. Sudoko, mind games, and socials will keep your brains stimulated. Safeguard your memory cells by avoiding stress and eat the right foods.

Why Are All-Nighters Terrible For You?

Staying up all night once in a while might be OK but if it turns into a routine, then you need to face the consequences. Less sleep affects thyroid hormone release, spikes BP and cholesterol, and increases toxin buildup. It severely impacts metabolism, and cognitive function. It throws the circadian cycle off track, leaving you feeling nauseous, tired, and even dizzy. Snooze or you lose!

Fear: Are You Its Master Or Victim?

Fear of the unknown leaves us snuggling in our comfort zones. Ancestral voices warn us against change. We must quieten them. “What if” fears are unreal. They present us as victims, but we can choose to overpower them. Comprehend the cause for your pessimism. Recognize if your fear involves tangible danger or is another “what if.” Find ways to placate your inner scared child.

Quick Relaxation Tips To Combat Stress And Anxiety

Do you often experience situations where it seems that things are falling out of place and all of a sudden stress and anxiety become...

Can You Heal Your Body With Alternative Therapy?

Chronic pain, illness, stress, and aging can wear the body down. Unfortunately, traditional allopathic cures do not always have a solution for everything. Self-healing offers a holistic means to heal the body from within using treatments derived from homeopathy, acupuncture, yoga, ayurveda. To top off, the best treatment choice depends on the person and the situation.

6 Symptoms That Indicate Hormone Imbalance

Hormones do not balance themselves out. So you've to be on the lookout for your body's warning signs that you're off track. Weighing too much despite strict diets and exercise, not being able to decide if you are sad or happy, sleepless nights, craving for excess food, lack of libido, and unexplainable fatigue are all signs of hormonal imbalance.

The Secret To Letting Go Of Every Fear

Understand and decipher the situation in depth. Foresee and comprehend your reactions to it. Accept your reactions, without believing they are real. The secret is not to put on a pretence of courage but to boldly face up to your fears, which is very different from when you don’t consider the results at all. You will find that fear is a manifestation of your thoughts, a self-limitation.

8 Ways Stress Affects Your Overall Health

Stress is an integral part of our lives. Whether it is coping with everyday challenges at work, financial concerns or relationship troubles, most of us...

Influence Of The Mind On Health And Tips For Mental Detox

Our subconscious mind records all our experiences and their associated emotions, creating a montage of feelings we tap into whenever stimulated. Gain control over your mind to prevent mindless wandering of thoughts so that you can control your reactions to situations. Meditate to improve your focus and bring awareness to the present moment. Look for silver linings, forgive, and be honest with yourself.

Natural Ways To Deal With Menopausal Blues

Menopause is a natural transition in the life of every woman. It marks the end of her fertility and menstrual cycle. Menopausal symptoms can...

Can Japanese Shiatsu Technique Help Beat Insomnia?

Finger pressure on the right spots can work wonders to help you sleep like a baby. The minor physical alterations, brought about by applied pressure, restore the body’s energy balance and leaves you stress free. Shiatsu helps subdue environmental, medical, and mental insomnia stimuli. It cumulates dispersed “shen” to the heart and relieves pain, allowing you to sleep peacefully.

Can Too Much Daydreaming Be Bad For You?

Daydreamers have better ability to recall and retain information. Daydreaming aids “attention cycling,” enabling someone to move between various streams of information, as they continue working on their primary task. It also fosters creativity and teaches you self-worth. Avoid being obsessed with it and understand that it is not real. Negative daydreams can cause depression.

Do Birth Control Pills Raise Seizure Risk In Women With Epilepsy?

If you're epileptic and sexually active, reconsider your birth control tactics. Contraceptive pills can unfavorably interact with antiepileptic drugs (AEDs). Ethinyl estradiol in oral contraceptives lower AEDs in blood, increasing the risk of a seizure. AEDs dwindle effects of estrogen, raising the effective dosage of these pills. Choose other options like condoms, diaphragms, IUDs, IUSs, etc.

6 Steps To Embrace And Adapt To Change

Familiarize yourself with impermanence as Buddhist monks do - make and destroy your version of mandalas. Curb your expectations and go with the flow. Recognize and appreciate the balance in nature and believe that you are part of the wonderful equilibrium. Believe everything happens for a reason and that you are well-equipped to tackle it. Practice meditation to handle stress.