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3 Organic Ways To Maintain A Healthy Brain

Meditate, it helps clear your mind off the chaos/chatter and replaces it with stillness making room for focused thinking. Do simple cardiovascular exercises (gym, walk or jog), it helps you stay energetic, improves blood flow throughout the body, and improves brain function. Lastly, nip the negativity, positive thoughts do wonders for your brain!

The Most Important Secret To Self Healing

The benefits of diet and exercise are compromised by stress that impairs the immune and hormonal systems. No matter what the situation, control your thoughts and think positive. Breathing exercises and activities that make you happy (like painting dancing, cooking, etc.) can help you switch from a state of fear (fight or flight) to a state of faith (rest, repair, and growth).

Natural Remedies For Macular Degeneration

Eat a nutritionally balanced, low fat diet including at least 5-6 servings of fruits and leafy greens every day. Take vitamin A, C, E, zinc or copper supplements on a daily basis and include more of fatty fish and antioxidant-rich foods like corn, egg yolks, spinach in your diet. Wear sunglasses, preferably with yellow, amber, or orange tinted lenses to filter out the harmful UV rays.

5 Great Ways To Use Essential Oils

5 Great Ways To Use Essential Oils

Vitamin B12: 4 Health Benefits, 4 Symptoms Of Deficiency, And 4 Foods To...

Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient that’s involved with a lot of important processes in the human body. Vitamin B12 is structurally the largest...
Running and Depression

Is Running A Good Remedy For Depression?

Running helps release happy hormones like serotonin and dopamine, lower cortisol levels, and raise the body temp. This lifts your mood, eases muscle tension, improves your sleep, and allays depressive symptoms. A 20-min run can release enough endorphins to give you a high. Running rids your body of kynurenine—a chemical linked to most mental disorders—by changing it into a disposable form.
ashwagandha for anxiety and depression

Ashwagandha For Anxiety And Depression: Herb For Mental Health

Taken daily, ashwagandha can lower cortisol levels by 28%, stress by 44%, anxiety by 69%, and depressive symptoms by 68%. It's better than standard anti-anxiety and antidepressant drugs as it stabilizes mood, relieves insomnia, and revitalizes the body without any side effects or withdrawal symptoms. Moreover, it can manage weight and food cravings in chronic stress patients. Have 3–6 gm ashwagandha root powder daily for best results but after consulting an Ayurvedic doctor.

Your Breast Size Can Affect Your Mental Health

Large or uneven breasts aren't a rarity. The left one always varies from the right one, and asymmetry is normal in puberty. But this often upsets women's self-esteem and mental health, inducing eating or attitude disorders. If you opt for breast surgery to get a specific size, find out the chest width, the breasts' base width, the distance between them, if they're even, and if there's ample tissue to cover the implants.

Go Hiking: Immerse In Nature And Heal Your Soul

Hiking, or tramping along nature trails, gives you time and space to think independently, away from the ever-critical social media. You can see the bigger picture and approach problems with a new outlook. As you meditate on the beauty of nature and the natural history of your land, far from ugly concrete jungles, you are impelled to value and preserve the Earth. Regular hiking also checks high BP and heart diseases.

Are Painting And Coloring Good For Your Health?

Who doesn’t remember the joy of dipping sticky fingers into paint and squiggling away on paper! Art – be it drawing, painting, sketching, or doodling – has always been an important part of the human experience. Now, research shows that painting and coloring can reduce anxiety, improve psychological resilience, bring about a meditative state, and improve fine motor skills. Painting also helps people safely express traumatic experiences and has even been shown to encourage people with Alzheimer's to express their feelings. So whether you’re feeling stressed or just want to experience the joy of creating art, just pick up a crayon!

Is Anxiety Increasing Your Diabetes Risk?

Chronic anxiety can eventually lead to type 2 diabetes in both men and women. And this risk of developing insulin resistance increases with higher levels of anxiety and stress. Yoga is an effective way to lower anxiety levels and manage them better. It can also lower the levels of blood sugar and reduce dependence on medications.

8 Reasons Why Your Brain Loves It When You Exercise

That rush you get after a morning run is your brain telling you how happy it is! Exercising can protect your brain from aging, make you smarter and more attentive, boost your memory, and help you sleep better. Exercising may even give you the willpower to resist that doughnut! So what’s stopping you? Move your body, and your brain will thank you for it too!

Breathe, Relax For Everything Would Be A-Okay During Childbirth

No one can say that giving birth is easy. How much ever have you prepared yourself for all kinds of possibilities, there is bound...

Leverage Your Natural Rhythms To Maximize Productivity

Plan activities per your circadian rhythm—physical, behavioral, and mental changes in a 24-hour cycle, regulated by hormones. E.g., make decisions in the morn when cortisol is peaking. Set a work/rest cycle: for every 52 mins work, rest for 17 mins. Fight stress with a logical plan of action. Avoid slow-digesting (meat) and inflammatory food (gluten, caffeine, dairy, sugar, and corn). Set and review goals.

10 Popular Adaptogenic Herbs To Fight Stress And Anxiety

Ditch conventional anti-anxiety drugs for adaptogenic herbs that regulate cortisol levels and boost the body’s natural resilience to stress. Astragalus, ashwagandha, ginseng, holy basil, licorice root, noni, rhodiola, schisandra, mushrooms, and suma are adaptogens. Consume as powders in food or tea, tinctures, or supplements. Consult your nutritionist about dosage and side effects.